Interesting experience

I have another interesting experience today. I took Chris’s teacher training today. I was not very deep in the poses. But sure enough, at the end of the session, I was meditative – just like Monday. So, I sat. Later, my body started moving forward and backward repeatedly. If I understand your explanation earlier, it was the prana. Accidentally, I noticed something unusual. So, I experimented. I told my mind to think left, and my body moved left and right instead of forward and backward. Then I get creative, tried circling. Works. Then counter-circle. Works. That is one of the more interesting moments I have since doing Yoga. Can you kindly explain what really was happening? And what might be next? Thanks, M

Yogic anatomy says that prana is what moves the mind. And also that the mind can by its intention (sankalpa) can direct the flows of prana. It is a natural phenomenon that the body sways as an initial sign that prana is openly flowing through the subtle channels (nadis). The normal sways are front to back or circular. Sideways swaying is not as common though normal to pranic activity. If you look carefully you might find that during this times the nostrils are both open evenly. When the prana is flowing is larger currents then spontaneous Asana or pranayama can occur.