Introductory Post


My name is Megan and I am from Boston. I’ve been practicing yoga for the past four months or so and immediately fell in love. Yoga was something that I had wanted to start practicing for years and years, but always found reasons not to (no time, no money, etc.), but making the time was one of the best things that I ever did for myself. :slight_smile:

I am excited to find this forum and to start talking with others! So… hello! :slight_smile:

Hey, Megan! Welcome to the forums! I look forward to your contributions.

Hallo Megan, a warm welcome to you and may your yoga practice just grow. :slight_smile:

welcome Megan enjoy the forum…

Thank you all for the welcome. :smiley:

welcome megan and thank you for introducing yourself. :slight_smile:


Hello Megan. Welcome home!!!

Hello Megan
I am quite new as well…there are some very nice interesting people on this site

Kind Regards Kareng