Inversions and glaucoma

I have googled and found inversions are suspect for causing glaucoma and can definitely make it worse ; Thoughts ?

Glaucoma is one of a number of contraindications for inversions. I don’t think I’d go so far as to say “causes” but certainly inversions like Sirsasana and Sarvangasana are to be avoiding when there is glaucoma present in the student.

Hi Gordon , long time… the average inner eye looks like a normal pupil to iris ratio, mine is like all pupil with an edge of iris around ( we are talking metaphorically - it’s the inner eye not the pupil or iris actually ) which is suspicious of becoming glaucoma which is a breach in that edge, which I don’t have yet- and there has been no change in a year, though I have daily done my inversions. They didn’t mention glaucoma to me last year.

They being?

eye doctor for annual eye exam, otherwise aced 20 : 13 and at 62 ain’t too shabby

From a yoga teacher/therapist perspective it is best to err on the side of caution and not advise inversions - so I don’t. Of course students ultimately do what they want and take full responsibility for said doing.