Is Hinduism a religion?

[QUOTE=Quetzalcoatl;60696]Hi vimoh,

actually I did not ask these questions. I didn’t even know you worship stones and drink water from the Ganges. Basically, though, I don’t find these questions retarded per se, so why not discuss?! :lol:

  1. Whoever asked this, didn’t ask why according to your belief you’re reborn as a beetle, but wether it makes sense. What sense does it make to be reborn as a beetle? Is it a punishment or a reward? Sure, if I think about it now and here, the thought of being a beetle basically is not appealing. And I would fear to become a beetle. So it’s somewhat a threat, so I’d guess that the story is that one will become a beetle if they behave bad, as it’s a lower lifeform, from the perspective of a human. Yet, being a beetle must be quite simple, you don’t reflect much, there is no good and bad, no ethical decisions have to be made. Life should be quite simple, you can’t do anything wrong. So actually being a beetle would unburden the reincarnated soul and be quite a pleasure for it. A relief. Any thoughts on this…?

On the whole ideo of reincarnation and so forth, I wouldn’t see what the point is at all. I have to behave some particular way and then end the cycle of reincarnation? Who planned this? God? What for? Enterntainment? To teach something? What? Why could god not just plant that knowledge into a being? It indeed makes as little sense to me as the Christian version of enforcing behaviour rules.

  1. Yeah, why do you worship everything? And do you worship me too? I worship circa nothing, what the point?

  2. So you only drink from the Ganges cuz you’re thirsty? Isn’t it actually some kind of worship as well, cuz the river is declared holy, as it makes the crops grow and feeds the people? Not that I’d be an expert on your religion, but sounds like you’d be spreading a misconception here. :slight_smile:

For your rebound-questions you have to ask a Christian, I’m none. Why do you assume I am one?

Furthermore, if you’re in the mood to explain stuff, I might ask you my “retarded” questions. Actually, though, they’re more inconvenient than retarded, which - I guess - is why helpless Nietzsche plays his games and lies to his fellow Hindu-friends. Btw, just asking, I don’t know any many Hindus, only those on this forum, is lying big in Hinduism? Is it ok to lie and all? Cuz the Hindus I know really lie a lot. Is it a virtue in Hinduism? :lol:

The questions I have would be these:

Awesome Hindus never get tired to note how superior anything Hinduism/India is, how advanced Hindus/Indians were x-thousand years ago. To some degree I agree, yet two questins concerning this:

  1. How come? How could ancient India get so ahead of other cultures? How was it possible for India to come up with sophisticated philosophy, religion, technology, science, math, etc.? What did the people have that others had not?

  2. How could it be possible that even though India was superior in so many ways, that it was occupied and under the rule of foreign nations for so many years? The superiority includs it’s wealth (see past GDP of India), with India also being a strong warrior culture, due to their superior science and philosophy surely ahead in warfare-tactics and strategy, probably having better weapons to advanced means of creating metal and such, also having a very large population, etc. etc. Maybe it’s not your opinion, but your fellow Hindu-friends claim that while India was very superior and sophisticated, the nations that conquered it were primitive, barbaric, and even today scientifically and philosophically backwards compared with ancient India. It’s quite hard to understand and has never been explained how Goliath Einstein could’ve been conquered by David Simpson.

  3. I don’t yet know what your reply to 1. is, mine has to do with circumstances. What would you think are the reasons that the offenders who conquered and occupied India did that? What led to their crimes? NOte that I’m not interested in justifying obvious crimes, but wish to understand history to learn from it.

  4. If you believe in reincarnation, would it not be possible that todays Hindus were British or Moslems in the days when India was occupied, and that the Indians of these times today are British and Moslems? So that reproaches like “you [= todays British or Moslems) hurt us [= todays Hindus]” make no sense from the perspective of Hinduism, cuz it could easily be the sould of a former offender who is now accusing the sould of a former victim? And if Karma exists, wouldn’t it even be plausible to put an offender into the position of the victim so that they experience the other side and learn how miserable it makes one feel? And to give them the chance to grow and not make the same mistakes, while it might be so tempting to become the new offender, become aggressive, attack innocent people, and so forth?

These are some of my “retarded” questions. Any thoughts…? :)[/QUOTE]

I didn’t know you were the one being addressed here. I certainly didn’t address my answers to you. They were general responses.

My answers, as I have said before, were associated to the baity nature of the question. Making sense is a subjective thing. What makes sense to a person from one cultural background may not make sense to another. So the question is moot. To ask if something “makes sense” is pointless when there is not a common standard for assessment of facts. This is why, to point out this asymmetry, I reacted to the question with a counter-question.

Reincarnation, rooted in the idea of Karma is said to be a law of the universe. Who made the law doesn’t concern us here. As it is, Hinduism has many answers to that question. Choose a deity of your choice and go with it. The Vedas themselves take an agnostic view of the matter.

Having said that, Asking “why” reincarnation happens is like “why” gravity exists and for what purpose. It just is. That’s the system we live in. Believing in it or not does not make one whit of a difference. One does not become weightless if he stops believing in gravity. Same goes for Karma and reincarnation. It applies to all beings, and not just to a chosen group of special people who have God’s favour. Hinduism may be seen as being very atheistic in this matter.

Karma is not a set of rules like Biblical guidelines or commandments. You are not expected, by Hindu philosophy, to act a certain way. People do what they do according to their best judgment and the consequences come back to them. Karma isn’t good or bad, it’s just Karma. As one goes through a cycle of lives, one figures out the best path for himself/herself. Scriptures are there to help, but that’s all they are. The end result depends on personal enlightenment.

Regarding the worship of everything: It’s more like acknowledgment of divinity in the whole universe. The Biblical view makes a distinction between between the creator and the creation. Hinduism doesn’t. According to much of Hindu philosophy, the universe IS God and everything in the universe, is divine. So when I say we worship everything, I mean that we do not seek a divine character in something ineffable beyond the known universe, we acknowledge that God is everywhere and everyone.

Yes, that includes you as well. The Indian greeting “Namaste” actually means that I acknowledge the divine in you. So you might say that Hindus carry out practical worship all day long, in their everyday lives.

You say you worship nothing. That’s alright. Zero is also a part of infinity, no? In fact, there is a temple that worships nothingness near my home town. It’s called a Shunya Mandir (temple of zero) and is kept by a sect of hindus who belong to Mahima Dharma. Read this for details:

The value called “nothing” is a part of “everything”.

As for the Ganga, it is called holy because it was a giver of life during ancient times. On its banks, many cities and settlements thrived. Especially after the drying up of the Saraswati in the north-west. My answer was in jest, (and not aimed at you personally) but the Ganga really IS clear in early parts and you can actually drink off it. :slight_smile:

Now to answer the questions you asked formally.

How could ancient India get so ahead of other cultures? How was it possible for India to come up with sophisticated philosophy, religion, technology, science, math, etc.? What did the people have that others had not?

I don’t really know. I wasn’t there to see any of it. But what we do know is that they did do all of those things. We have their work with us in the form of treatises, books, spoken knowledge, and scientific applications like Yoga and Ayurveda. All these prove they did those things. As for “how”, The Vedas have accounts of how such knowledge was found by introspection and application of insight.

You ask about others. I don’t understand. What others are you talking about? Contemporary competition? If yes, who exactly. Tell me and I will be happy to answer.

How could it be possible that even though India was superior in so many ways, that it was occupied and under the rule of foreign nations for so many years? The superiority includs it’s wealth (see past GDP of India), with India also being a strong warrior culture, due to their superior science and philosophy surely ahead in warfare-tactics and strategy, probably having better weapons to advanced means of creating metal and such, also having a very large population, etc. etc. Maybe it’s not your opinion, but your fellow Hindu-friends claim that while India was very superior and sophisticated, the nations that conquered it were primitive, barbaric, and even today scientifically and philosophically backwards compared with ancient India. It’s quite hard to understand and has never been explained how Goliath Einstein could’ve been conquered by David Simpson.

It’s complicated. India was never really conquered. Prior to India, the Islamic wave of attacks completely consumed the native cultures of countries like Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, turning them into satellites of the Islamic empire. In India, they had a harder time. Wars were fought for nearly 800 years and the Mughal rule was flimsy. It was only after someone with the will to compromise – Akbar – came on the throne, that some manner of peace prevailed. India was never completely Islamised. India is still more than 80 per cent Hindu. After Akbar, the tumultuous peace faltered again and came to an end when Aurangzeb came to the throne. Battles raged all over India and did much damage. Eventually, Aurangzeb died and many erstwhile allied kingdoms took back their reins into their own hands. But the loot had hurt the atmosphere in India a lot and a general kind of mistrust spread. A united front against Mughals never took shape and things remained that way for many years.

The British East India company entered India during this period of mistrust. Their only interest was thievery and they did all they could do to make these trust divides wider. They spread stealthily, with mercantile interests and gradually started owning more and more land. They started bribing locals rulers for the right to tax people in those lands. Thus their influence started to grow. In due course of time, they became sizable enough to build forts and started carrying out military missions to take over Indian states.

They got a good amount of opposition too. A lot of kings fought and lost their kingdoms. A lot of kings fought and kept their kingdoms too. A united front did come up in 1857. It is called the sepoy mutiny. Some contemporary historians consider the 1857 freedom war one of the causes that started the decline of the British empire. The mutiny was suppressed ruthlessly and a lot of people dies as a result. Even after the mutiny was suppressed, the East India company realised that it could not keep its power through force. Dissatisfaction among the people was growing.

This was when power over India was transferred to the Queen of England and Indians became “her majesty’s subjects”. The new administration came with soft promises, but in the end proved to be as hurtful as the previous one. Indians have never thrown out anyone. India’s way is exemplified by acceptance. But the British empire was not something which came with the intention of mixing. They came for milking. And they did so for many years. They maintained their power by controlling minds. They altered the education system, destroying what India had before they came and replacing it with the British school system. In due course of time, this system spawned a race of Indians who were Indians in blood and colour, but English in thought.

But even this intellectual imperialism did not go unchallenged. Indian history is full of modern sages and thinkers who made the case for the continuation of Indian culture in spite of foreign education. They succeeded too. Even today, in India, after all these years of physical and mental oppression, Indian thought and philosophy is alive and kicking.

India is war-torn, but not defeated. Never defeated. When you say “they” attacked “us” and ruled “us” you make it sound like it was a piece of cake. In reality, it is way more complicated. The end result is here for anyone to see. Hinduism (and by that I mean the ancient Indian way of life) THRIVES all over India even today. The proof of India’s superior culture is that it survives while others didn’t. Ancient Greece is gone. Africa native traditions are all but gone. India, on the other hand, remains the last living (and kicking) strain of an ancient culture that once pervaded almost all parts of the world.

I don’t yet know what your reply to 1. is, mine has to do with circumstances. What would you think are the reasons that the offenders who conquered and occupied India did that? What led to their crimes? NOte that I’m not interested in justifying obvious crimes, but wish to understand history to learn from it.

As I said before, I wasn’t there. But here’s an educated guess nevertheless.

The main difference between the Indian way of thinking and the way of those who invaded India was the concept of groups. Indians do not consider themselves a group chosen by God or destiny. The invaders did. They had in-groups and out-groups. They were religious supremacists who saw the world as being divided into “us” and “them”. “Them” had to be converted or killed.

The British influence began at a time when Christianity had already suffered a loss of power in the west owing to rise of rationalism in the west. But they were still supremacists. Their world view was formed by a very Darwinian view of race science. They considered the “white race” to be superior to other races and they saw the influence of the empire as something of a evolutionary “survival of the fittest” struggle. They stole from India for a reason as simple as greed, but they justified it by saying that it was India’s destiny to suffer as she was inferior and was peopled by an inferior race.

I do not blame you of justifying any of this of course. Just giving you a historical account of events that transpired back then. Sadly, these tendencies have survived till today. They don’t call it race science it anymore, but the intent is still the same. See the wikipedia article called INDOPHOBIA.

If you believe in reincarnation, would it not be possible that todays Hindus were British or Moslems in the days when India was occupied, and that the Indians of these times today are British and Moslems? So that reproaches like “you [= todays British or Moslems) hurt us [= todays Hindus]” make no sense from the perspective of Hinduism, cuz it could easily be the sould of a former offender who is now accusing the sould of a former victim? And if Karma exists, wouldn’t it even be plausible to put an offender into the position of the victim so that they experience the other side and learn how miserable it makes one feel? And to give them the chance to grow and not make the same mistakes, while it might be so tempting to become the new offender, become aggressive, attack innocent people, and so forth?

Reincarnation does not work like that. Karma, the doctrine upon which the idea of reincarnation is based, does not address nations and cultures. It pertains to the individual souls. So India does not have a Karmic record any more than Ethiopia does. An individual has Karmic balance to settle, not a nation and not a group of people.

Using Karma to justify violence on a cultural scale is stupid. It’s like saying gravity killed the man who fell of the building because he didn’t believe in gravity.

That Karma can be used to justify violence is immaterial. Anything can be used to justify violence. One is violent because one’s nature is such. Karma does not come into it. Karma’s effects are experience-based and therefore can’t be verified objectively. So it is pointless to say that it is “plausible to put an offender into the position of the victim so that they experience the other side and learn how miserable it makes one feel”.

Today’s Hindus may indeed have been the British of the past, but we can’t base an argument on conjencture. On a metaphorical level, justice of a Karmic kind does sound good, but it just doesn’t compute when one is dealing with earthly matters like crime and violence.

I have done my best to answer your questions. Let me know if you want me to flesh something out or explain more. I will be happy to do so.

Hey Surya Deva, Sarva, or Vimoh; you can take this one for yourself. Today is not the day for me to deal with Neo-Nazi retards.

Yeah good call Neitzsche, Q is a racist neo-nazi troll and it is better not wasting time on him. I thank him for though validating what I said about him: that he deliberately repeats these anti-Hindu and anti-India questions in every thread to Indians on this board to undermine them. I will let the reader know his questions have been answered on at least 5 different occasions now. He repeats them only to get a reaction and has no sincere interest in knowing anything. It is better to just ignore the troll.

However, just for the record I will re-answer them this very briefly, as most of the information has already been given to the Q. This is rather for the sake of the readers in this thread.

On the whole ideo of reincarnation and so forth, I wouldn’t see what the point is at all. I have to behave some particular way and then end the cycle of reincarnation? Who planned this? God? What for? Enterntainment? To teach something? What? Why could god not just plant that knowledge into a being? It indeed makes as little sense to me as the Christian version of enforcing

Reincarnation is a law of nature. See the thread: “Reincarnation: karma and samsara” Reincarnation is spiritual evolution whereby lifeforms become more and more conscious. As you evolve through reincarnation you become ever more conscious and as a result the body you incarnate in becomes ever more refined and complex.

You have to behave like a human being if you want to remain a human being. Your mind will manifest the appropriate vehicle based on how spiritually evolved you are. If you have an animal mind you will develop an animal body.

Who planned this? Nobody. It is a law of nature.

  1. Yeah, why do you worship everything? And do you worship me too? I worship circa nothing, what the point?

That is because we recognise that underlying everything is the divine consciousness. This is why we say namaste to one another, “the divinity within me bows to the divinity within you” This way we appreciate the divine is pervading everything and nothing is trully bad, just degrees of separation from the source. The true cause of what is bad is ignorance. When ignorance is dispelled through knowledge we realise all is actually the divine pulsating in everything.

  1. So you only drink from the Ganges cuz you’re thirsty? Isn’t it actually some kind of worship as well, cuz the river is declared holy, as it makes the crops grow and feeds the people? Not that I’d be an expert on your religion, but sounds like you’d be spreading a misconception here.

The river is considered holy for no other reason than the fact that historically many great Hindu personalities have been associated with it and in Hindu mythology it holds great importance. Similar to how Jersulaem is considered a holy or Mecca is considered holy. The reasons are purely sentimental and religious.

  1. How come? How could ancient India get so ahead of other cultures? How was it possible for India to come up with sophisticated philosophy, religion, technology, science, math, etc.? What did the people have that others had not?

Deva culture, divine and spiritual culture. While others were barbarians. See High Wolf’s thread, “Earthly foundations of Abrahamic religions”

  1. How could it be possible that even though India was superior in so many ways, that it was occupied and under the rule of foreign nations for so many years? The superiority includs it’s wealth (see past GDP of India), with India also being a strong warrior culture, due to their superior science and philosophy surely ahead in warfare-tactics and strategy, probably having better weapons to advanced means of creating metal and such, also having a very large population, etc. etc. Maybe it’s not your opinion, but your fellow Hindu-friends claim that while India was very superior and sophisticated, the nations that conquered it were primitive, barbaric, and even today scientifically and philosophically backwards compared with ancient India. It’s quite hard to understand and has never been explained how Goliath Einstein could’ve been conquered by David Simpson.

India did not have superior warfare-tactics, strategy and weapons. As it was a more evolved culture its focus was on science, philosophy and economy and indeed we know it was highly developed in those areas. On the other hand, the West and Muslims were developed in war and technology and had a culture of war and conquest and fought wars non stop. So they developed in this area.

Why was the West primitive and barbaric? Because the West had an Asura culture, materialistic, immoral and hedonistic.

  1. I don’t yet know what your reply to 1. is, mine has to do with circumstances. What would you think are the reasons that the offenders who conquered and occupied India did that? What led to their crimes? NOte that I’m not interested in justifying obvious crimes, but wish to understand history to learn from it.

Of course you are justifying their crimes, you have been doing that since the very start troll. We know you actually enjoy the crimes they did, so stop with the pretending. Anyway what lead them to their crimes? Simple, they were spiritually underdeveloped and from a barbarian culture, so went around invadnig, looting, pillaging everything. Hindus were spiritually developed so they never invaded any other country in 10,000 years of history. The West on the other has invaded almost every country in the world.

  1. If you believe in reincarnation, would it not be possible that todays Hindus were British or Moslems in the days when India was occupied, and that the Indians of these times today are British and Moslems? So that reproaches like “you [= todays British or Moslems) hurt us [= todays Hindus]” make no sense from the perspective of Hinduism, cuz it could easily be the sould of a former offender who is now accusing the sould of a former victim? And if Karma exists, wouldn’t it even be plausible to put an offender into the position of the victim so that they experience the other side and learn how miserable it makes one feel? And to give them the chance to grow and not make the same mistakes, while it might be so tempting to become the new offender, become aggressive, attack innocent people, and so forth?

Of course it is possible. The British and Muslims of today are not responsible for what the British and the Muslims of the past. You only become responsible when you adopt the ideology that motivated the British and Muslim, like you have troll. You enjoy the suffering my ancestors had to go through, this makes you my enemy, in fact an enemy of the civilised world.

It’s complicated. India was never really conquered. Prior to India, the Islamic wave of attacks completely consumed the native cultures of countries like Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, turning them into satellites of the Islamic empire. In India, they had a harder time. Wars were fought for nearly 800 years and the Mughal rule was flimsy. It was only after someone with the will to compromise – Akbar – came on the throne, that some manner of peace prevailed. India was never completely Islamised. India is still more than 80 per cent Hindu. After Akbar, the tumultuous peace faltered again and came to an end when Aurangzeb came to the throne. Battles raged all over India and did much damage. Eventually, Aurangzeb died and many erstwhile allied kingdoms took back their reins into their own hands. But the loot had hurt the atmosphere in India a lot and a general kind of mistrust spread. A united front against Mughals never took shape and things remained that way for many years.

The British East India company entered India during this period of mistrust. Their only interest was thievery and they did all they could do to make these trust divides wider. They spread stealthily, with mercantile interests and gradually started owning more and more land. They started bribing locals rulers for the right to tax people in those lands. Thus their influence started to grow. In due course of time, they became sizable enough to build forts and started carrying out military missions to take over Indian states.

They got a good amount of opposition too. A lot of kings fought and lost their kingdoms. A lot of kings fought and kept their kingdoms too. A united front did come up in 1857. It is called the sepoy mutiny. Some contemporary historians consider the 1857 freedom war one of the causes that started the decline of the British empire. The mutiny was suppressed ruthlessly and a lot of people dies as a result. Even after the mutiny was suppressed, the East India company realised that it could not keep its power through force. Dissatisfaction among the people was growing.

This was when power over India was transferred to the Queen of England and Indians became “her majesty’s subjects”. The new administration came with soft promises, but in the end proved to be as hurtful as the previous one. Indians have never thrown out anyone. India’s way is exemplified by acceptance. But the British empire was not something which came with the intention of mixing. They came for milking. And they did so for many years. They maintained their power by controlling minds. They altered the education system, destroying what India had before they came and replacing it with the British school system. In due course of time, this system spawned a race of Indians who were Indians in blood and colour, but English in thought.

But even this intellectual imperialism did not go unchallenged. Indian history is full of modern sages and thinkers who made the case for the continuation of Indian culture in spite of foreign education. They succeeded too. Even today, in India, after all these years of physical and mental oppression, Indian thought and philosophy is alive and kicking.

India is war-torn, but not defeated. Never defeated. When you say “they” attacked “us” and ruled “us” you make it sound like it was a piece of cake. In reality, it is way more complicated. The end result is here for anyone to see. Hinduism (and by that I mean the ancient Indian way of life) THRIVES all over India even today. The proof of India’s superior culture is that it survives while others didn’t. Ancient Greece is gone. Africa native traditions are all but gone. India, on the other hand, remains the last living (and kicking) strain of an ancient culture that once pervaded almost all parts of the world.

As I said before, I wasn’t there. But here’s an educated guess nevertheless.

The main difference between the Indian way of thinking and the way of those who invaded India was the concept of groups. Indians do not consider themselves a group chosen by God or destiny. The invaders did. They had in-groups and out-groups. They were religious supremacists who saw the world as being divided into “us” and “them”. “Them” had to be converted or killed.

The British influence began at a time when Christianity had already suffered a loss of power in the west owing to rise of rationalism in the west. But they were still supremacists. Their world view was formed by a very Darwinian view of race science. They considered the “white race” to be superior to other races and they saw the influence of the empire as something of a evolutionary “survival of the fittest” struggle. They stole from India for a reason as simple as greed, but they justified it by saying that it was India’s destiny to suffer as she was inferior and was peopled by an inferior race.

I do not blame you of justifying any of this of course. Just giving you a historical account of events that transpired back then. Sadly, these tendencies have survived till today. They don’t call it race science it anymore, but the intent is still the same. See the wikipedia article called INDOPHOBIA.

I have done my best to answer your questions. Let me know if you want me to flesh something out or explain more. I will be happy to do so.

Excellent response, but don’t have any hope that you have increased Q’s knowledge on this. I have already told him pretty much the same things you told him(re: India occupied) on 5 different occasions(probably more than 5 now) and he simply just repeated the question again. On two occasions I gave him very detailed answers mentioning the history of the Maratha, Sikh empire and the Rajputanas to show that Hindus did indeed fight back and were able keep many of their kingdoms and even reclaim large chunks of their territory. He ignored those posts. Why? Because he a troll. He already knows the answers to his question but he does it only to provoke. His real views are what you just outlined- white supremacy. He thinks his civilisation is superior simply because it conquered the most countries in the world and raped and looted them. He further maintains that it is natural law for white civilisation to spread - because white civilisation is culmination of evolution(social darwinism)

Some quotes by Q:

But, on the other hand, my dad got really tough and strong. And kicked your dad’s ass and took your dad’s fancy knowledge and became stronger and smarter and richer. It’s natures law.

You claim to still have them, because you’re a proud Hindu nationalist and can’t stand the truth, that your nation was raped, destroyed and now has to catch up.

Looting India was helpful to the West, sure.

Had Q said this to any other “race” such as the black people or Chinese people, he would have got torn to shreds.

Can you believe he is 40-50 odd years old? If I reached that age and had views like that I would consider my life a failure…

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;60741]Excellent response, but don’t have any hope that you have increased Q’s knowledge on this. I have already told him pretty much the same things you told him(re: India occupied) on 5 different occasions(probably more than 5 now) and he simply just repeated the question again. On two occasions I gave him very detailed answers mentioning the history of the Maratha, Sikh empire and the Rajputanas to show that Hindus did indeed fight back and were able keep many of their kingdoms and even reclaim large chunks of their territory. He ignored those posts. Why? Because he a troll. He already knows the answers to his question but he does it only to provoke. His real views are what you just outlined- white supremacy. He thinks his civilisation is superior simply because it conquered the most countries in the world and raped and looted them. He further maintains that it is natural law for white civilisation to spread - because white civilisation is culmination of evolution(social darwinism)

Some quotes by Q:

Had Q said this to any other “race” such as the black people or Chinese people, he would have got torn to shreds.

Can you believe he is 40-50 odd years old? If I reached that age and had views like that I would consider my life a failure…[/QUOTE]

I give at least one sane answers before going Shivaji on anyone. So this was only fair. :slight_smile:

Um…you failed World History 101, didn’t you? Have you not heard of the Greeks? The Romans? The Egyptians? The Persians? All were conquered at one point by technologically “inferior” cultures. For example, when the barbarian hordes were conquering the Western Roman Empire and ushering in the Dark Ages…did that mean that the various barbarian societies were “superior” to the Romans?

[B]World History is not a video game.[/B]

I have done my best to answer your questions. Let me know if you want me to flesh something out or explain more. I will be happy to do so.[/QUOTE]


Thank you for an interesting read,
I hope I’m not the only one to appreciate it.

Thank you Nila. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=BryonMorrigan;60774]Um…you failed World History 101, didn’t you? Have you not heard of the Greeks? The Romans? The Egyptians? The Persians? All were conquered at one point by technologically “inferior” cultures. For example, when the barbarian hordes were conquering the Western Roman Empire and ushering in the Dark Ages…did that mean that the various barbarian societies were “superior” to the Romans?

[B]World History is not a video game.[/B][/QUOTE]

But to ignorant people like Q, everything’s a video game!

Don’t worry Mr. Morrigan. Q will just ignore your doctoral studies in history and call you a Hindu fundamentalist as well. :wink:

Hi Byron,

to do Nietzsche a favor I’ll respond to your mostly pointless note:

[quote]Originally Posted by Quetzalcoatl

  1. How come? How could ancient India get so ahead of other cultures? How was it possible for India to come up with sophisticated philosophy, religion, technology, science, math, etc.? What did the people have that others had not?

Um…you failed World History 101, didn’t you? Have you not heard of the Greeks? The Romans? The Egyptians? The Persians? All were conquered at one point by technologically “inferior” cultures. For example, when the barbarian hordes were conquering the Western Roman Empire and ushering in the Dark Ages…did that mean that the various barbarian societies were “superior” to the Romans?

World History is not a video game.[/quote]I think you’re quoting the wrong question here, however:

I know pretty much nothing about history outside my own country’s, and it’s a misconception that I would make any large assumptions or so when I’m asking a question. So if one would hand out a reasonable explanation, that’d already be quite allright. All the hostility roots in me (and other evil Westerners) not simply bowing to the claims of aggressive Hindu nationalists that anything India and Hinduism would be ultra-superior, your comrads started to freak out when I asked these questions, I just don’t drop em due to the slander; I’m kinda stubborn, yaknow. :lol:

However, yes indeed, if Greece or the Roman empire would be conquered by another culture, I would need some sort of explanation how and why Greece would be superior to that culture. You speak of

technologically “inferior” cultures
. That sounds like the conquered culture would be a) only superior technologically. That’s not the superiority aggressive Hindu nationlists claim India has over any other culture. And b) do your “” around “inferior” indicate some sort of restriction too. I don’t know which, though. I scanned a little through the article on the roman empire, sounds like there were not enough people to defend western parts, they were conquere by the Goths. How exactly they would’ve been inferior to the Romans, I did not get to find out, also does it seem that they simply took over the land and not occupy it, as if they just didn’t obey to the Roman emperor anymore and fought for their liberty. Also lead all this or was the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire, so it’s not only a different situation than in India, but indeed the end of Rome’s superiority.

But I’m only having something like an hour of time here, guess not enough to catch up on “world history 101”. :smiley:

I am speaking about “inferior” as in indeed and overall inferior. So if you wanna teach me a lesson, go for it. What inferior culture conquered Greece or the Romans? And plz don’t waste my time with some single incident where some remote outpost was overrun by a barbaric horde. I speak of conquering a large empire and occupying it for a mentionable time. It should be something that sounds like this:
Hindus are one of the most persecuted people in history, alongside the Jews. However, the history of persecution of Hindus is relatively recent, beginning around 7AD when the first Islamic invasions started. The Muslims were brutal with the Hindus, waging war after war, sacking every Hindu city, temples and place of learnings(building mosques using the rubble) and killing Hindus almost like a sport. Hindus have lost tens of thousands of temples, libraries, univeristies and other places of Hindu learning due to this onslaughts. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus were killed on the spot on many occasions. The Muslims hated the Hindus, calling them filth, pollution, idolaters, enemies of god, and routinely killed, maimed, raped, molested Hindus, treating them like third class citizens in their own country. It is estimated the population of Hindus went down by 80 million during Muslim rule.

The second round of persecution began with the Europeans, which held similar views about Hindus, calling them pagans, demons, heathens. The Portguese were the most brutal and started the Goa inquisitions where Hindus were routinely subjected to torture and the most inhumane treatment. The British who followed later subjugated the Hindu people. They enslaved Hindus, by forcing them to work for the East India company, outlawed their own industries, forcing them into unemployment and poverty. Many took to agicultural jobs, but even then the British empire demanded heavy taxes from them in the form of food grain(Lagaan) even during times of draught, sucking the people’s blood dry. The result was several famines that ended up killing tens of millions of Hindus. Not a single Indian state existed that did not experience depopulation. Not content with the economic destruction of heathen Hindus, the British outlawed the Indian education system, shutting down tens of thousands of Sanskrit schools and colleges, rendering future generations illiterate.

The British also proceeded to rewrite the history of India by representing it as always being a static, hopeless and poor country. They negated the 10,000 year history of India, its scholarship, it’s history, its contributions, and instead rewrote its history as being a country which has historically been invaded by white people, and any civilisation it has is the result of invasions by white people. This disgusting white supremist account of Indian history is still taught today.

  • the explanation how it works.

I, however, should note that I suck. :smiley: I listened to Surya Asura and believed what he wrote about the persecution of Hindus. So maybe I have some sort of misconception here because Surya Asura was dramatizing India’s history. I mean, read this stuff, it sounds like all those barbarians just came buy and conquered the land like you steal a lollipop from a baby. Doesn’t it? Does it not?!

But, mostly in reference to my forthcoming reply to the reasonable reply of vimoh, I’ll try to research a bit over the weekend. Unfortunately Indian history is indeed, as vimoh noted, quite complicated and requires the student to read a lot. Additionally have I noticed that many Wikipedia-articles are heavily influenced by Hindu nationalists, many are write-protected, the discussion-pages are full of flame-wars, so these are not particularly reliable sources of information. I’ll get an actual book from our local public library on Saturday, if we go there.

However, feel free to explain how it works, how a superior culture can be sacked by some random barbarian.

Byron, I’ll handle this. A busy guy like you working on his [U]Doctorate in History[/U] shouldn’t have to deal with such retardation.

Retardalcoatl, I’ve give you the explanation.

I know pretty much nothing about history outside my own country’s[/quote]

Have a nice day.

[QUOTE=Quetzalcoatl;60814]Hi Byron,

to do Nietzsche a favor I’ll respond to your mostly pointless note:

I think you’re quoting the wrong question here, however:

I know pretty much nothing about history outside my own country’s, and it’s a misconception that I would make any large assumptions or so when I’m asking a question. So if one would hand out a reasonable explanation, that’d already be quite allright. All the hostility roots in me (and other evil Westerners) not simply bowing to the claims of aggressive Hindu nationalists that anything India and Hinduism would be ultra-superior, your comrads started to freak out when I asked these questions, I just don’t drop em due to the slander; I’m kinda stubborn, yaknow. :lol:

However, yes indeed, if Greece or the Roman empire would be conquered by another culture, I would need some sort of explanation how and why Greece would be superior to that culture. You speak of . That sounds like the conquered culture would be a) only superior technologically. That’s not the superiority aggressive Hindu nationlists claim India has over any other culture. And b) do your “” around “inferior” indicate some sort of restriction too. I don’t know which, though. I scanned a little through the article on the roman empire, sounds like there were not enough people to defend western parts, they were conquere by the Goths. How exactly they would’ve been inferior to the Romans, I did not get to find out, also does it seem that they simply took over the land and not occupy it, as if they just didn’t obey to the Roman emperor anymore and fought for their liberty. Also lead all this or was the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire, so it’s not only a different situation than in India, but indeed the end of Rome’s superiority.

But I’m only having something like an hour of time here, guess not enough to catch up on “world history 101”. :smiley:

I am speaking about “inferior” as in indeed and overall inferior. So if you wanna teach me a lesson, go for it. What inferior culture conquered Greece or the Romans? And plz don’t waste my time with some single incident where some remote outpost was overrun by a barbaric horde. I speak of conquering a large empire and occupying it for a mentionable time. It should be something that sounds like this:

  • the explanation how it works.

I, however, should note that I suck. :smiley: I listened to Surya Asura and believed what he wrote about the persecution of Hindus. So maybe I have some sort of misconception here because Surya Asura was dramatizing India’s history. I mean, read this stuff, it sounds like all those barbarians just came buy and conquered the land like you steal a lollipop from a baby. Doesn’t it? Does it not?!

But, mostly in reference to my forthcoming reply to the reasonable reply of vimoh, I’ll try to research a bit over the weekend. Unfortunately Indian history is indeed, as vimoh noted, quite complicated and requires the student to read a lot. Additionally have I noticed that many Wikipedia-articles are heavily influenced by Hindu nationalists, many are write-protected, the discussion-pages are full of flame-wars, so these are not particularly reliable sources of information. I’ll get an actual book from our local public library on Saturday, if we go there.

However, feel free to explain how it works, how a superior culture can be sacked by some random barbarian.[/QUOTE]

Lol, and you think Eurocentric books on Indian history from a Nazi library will teach you “correct” history?

Bryon is your intellectual superior. He is also my intellectual superior. I believe he is currently working on obtaining a doctorate in history.

You are a Nazi retard who doesn’t know anything about history and thinks a barbarian horde has greater civilization and culture than an established empire. No wonder your nation has failed so much in cultural assimilation.

By the way retard, your retardation prevented you from reading about the “Sacking of Rome” or the “Fall of Rome” by the Visigoths and the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire a couple decades later. Your retardation also prevented you from making a connection between the reason Constantine got the F outta Rome (constant invasions by your ancestors, declining economy/trade, political instability) and established another city on Byzantium.


Perhaps it would help if you came forth with what exactly you understand by “civilisation”. Is it just a group of people? That way any horde is a civilisation. Athens and Sparta were both cultures, but in war, Sparta was better. Does that mean, according to you, that Athens was inferior to Sparta?

An answer on this would really help put things in perspective.

Also, I agree that Wikipedia is not the best of sources. Especially when there is no citation. But when it does lead to sources off the Wiki and mentions (with links) certain happenings, one is better off believing it.

If you are going to indeed do research on this, I would recommend books that are by historians of much repute and who you can, by no stretch of imagination, call Hindu Nationalists. Please, by all means, do some research and get back to me so we can continue to talk.

I know pretty much nothing about history outside my own country’s

Which is why we call you an ignoramus. You don’t know anything about India, Hindu and Yoga history or its culture, but you sit there in Germany making one stupid statement after the other about something you admit yourself you know pretty much nothing about. This is why you make stupid statements like, “dancing is banned in India”

Right now you are coming across as an utter moron to the readers on this forum. However, I know you are not a moron or stupid. You are simply racist. You don’t need any evidence to support your position, because you already negatively perceive other races. Hence why a single youtube clip is enough for you to draw a conclusion about an entire race of people.
Again what are you doing on the Yoga forum? You are not going to find many people here who share views like yourself. Go to Stormfront and you will find like-minded people. You can discuss with them to your hearts content why “dancing is banned in India”

Hi Surya Asura,

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;60845]Which is why we call you an ignoramus. You don’t know anything about India, Hindu and Yoga history or its culture, but you sit there in Germany making one stupid statement after the other about something you admit yourself you know pretty much nothing about.[/QUOTE]I actually just ask questions.

This is why you make stupid statements like, "dancing is banned in India"
Again? Really? :roll:

Right now you are coming across as an utter moron to the readers on this forum. However, I know you are not a moron or stupid.
Of course I’m not, my IQ alone would blow your mind. :lol: And I don’t come across like a moron.

You are simply racist. You don’t need any evidence to support your position, because you already negatively perceive other races. Hence why a single youtube clip is enough for you to draw a conclusion about an entire race of people.
Again what are you doing on the Yoga forum? You are not going to find many people here who share views like yourself. Go to Stormfront and you will find like-minded people. You can discuss with them to your hearts content why "dancing is banned in India"
I truly can’t stand up to your bombast of slander. I just don’t have the time to set all your lies straight. :frowning:

Hi Nietzsche,

Lol, and you think Eurocentric books on Indian history from a Nazi library will teach you “correct” history?
no butthead, I think that books on Indian history from a regular German library will teach me correct history.

Bryon is your intellectual superior. He is also my intellectual superior. I believe he is currently working on obtaining a doctorate in history.
omg! You believe he is working on obtaining a doctorate!!!1!111!!1! How come I don’t care at all? Probably because I’ve got a brain in my skull!!11!!1!1!

You are a Nazi retard who doesn’t know anything about history and thinks a barbarian horde has greater civilization and culture than an established empire. No wonder your nation has failed so much in cultural assimilation.

By the way retard, your retardation prevented you from reading about the “Sacking of Rome” or the “Fall of Rome” by the Visigoths and the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire a couple decades later. Your retardation also prevented you from making a connection between the reason Constantine got the F outta Rome (constant invasions by your ancestors, declining economy/trade, political instability) and established another city on Byzantium.

I’ve so far not been interested in history. That’s what has prevented me from reading about history. I am, though, usually open to learn. Unfortunately, asking you freaks questions you don’t like results in… well, what’s on display. Fuck cock cunt piss shit nazi piss. Who are you guys again? The inheritors of a great culture or so…? I think you’re clowns. And David obviously continiues to be an idiot to allow a kid like yourself making an ass of himself. Well, if Karma exists, you’ll both receive your spankings one day.

Hi vimoh,

actually I wanted to reply to your reincarnation and karma-reply, but now go with this. Maybe I’ll drop the religious stuff overall, my time is sorta limited and the politics are more interesting to me.

Perhaps it would help if you came forth with what exactly you understand by “civilisation”. Is it just a group of people? That way any horde is a civilisation.
I would go with that, yes, any horde a civilisation. I’m, though, not so sure what a horde now is. Germanic people of Indias prime I would consider civilisations for example. However, I don’t think there are hordes involved here, unless you want to call any conquerer of India a horde.

Athens and Sparta were both cultures, but in war, Sparta was better. Does that mean, according to you, that Athens was inferior to Sparta?
No, it means that Athens was not superior to Sparta.

An answer on this would really help put things in perspective.
Not really. To put things in perspective you have to understand that my innocent questions are simply a reaction to the performance of Surya Asura and Nietzsche. Neither me, nor any other member of this board ever came forth and spoke of the superiority of one, and the inferiority of another culture or civilisation. I think this whole concept is plain and simply bullshit, even if it’s the case. You know, even if one civilisation is ahead of another, it’s bullshit to point that out over and over again. But: These guys do exactly that, latest example:

New age spirituality: Stupid Yoga

Makes a decent person :roll:. Also you might have noted that whatever I say I get the spam from these guys. They want to shut me up, you know. They’ve done it dozens of times before with other people. But as I said: I’m stubborn and don’t drop it. That, again, blows the whole thing out of proportion too. However. :lol:

The “discussion” about occupation and conquest works like this:

Culture A had the good life in a great part of the world, lots of food, great climate, fish are jumping and the living is easy. The people have enough time to care about technology, philosophy, and so forth. Culture B is not so fortunate, has not so much food, faces a long and hard winter every year, has to work a lot harder to survive, has less time to care about sanitation-systems and philosophy.

But culture B grows physically strong and learns very well how to fight and then pays culture A a visit, and sacks it. Takes the land with the lot of food and the great climate and now lives the easy life.

Now which culture is superior? The one that invented a flush toilet and has a ton of fancy scriptures on philosophy, or the one that subdued these intellectuals? If you want to evaluate which culture is superior, you can’t just isolate an area that you think is neat. Sure are philosophy and arts more likable than crushing skulls. But what do these virtues mean to a crushed skull?

Get the point? It’s really simple. That India had the greater philosophy and all, man I had admitted it ages ago. Pointing out what I just mentioned would receive a “that’s indeed a good point” from a decent guy. From freaks like Nietzsche and Surya Deva one receives hysterical insults and that’s where we standing right now in this forum.

And additionally, as I admitted, I am not mentionably knowledgable in India’s history + it’s probably depicted wrong by Surya Asura, who was my basic source of information about it. I guess he was just whining in his depictions to present India as the eternal victim. I had done some minor research before and indeed it looked like India was a very peaceful culture with barely a war going on. All I had found before recent researches were a few very brief incidents with only a very few casualties.

Also, I agree that Wikipedia is not the best of sources.
Depends on the topic, for anything natural science for example, it’s a great source.

Especially when there is no citation. But when it does lead to sources off the Wiki and mentions (with links) certain happenings, one is better off believing it.

If you are going to indeed do research on this, I would recommend books that are by historians of much repute and who you can, by no stretch of imagination, call Hindu Nationalists. Please, by all means, do some research and get back to me so we can continue to talk.
Well, I’ll go to our local Nazi library and grab a couple of books on the issue and then cross-read them, I still fail to be mentionably interested in history and I guess whatever the outcome of such research might be, I won’t ever submit to any of the hilarious superiority-claims this forum is spammed with, so don’t bother to expect that. :slight_smile: But after asking these regular and obvious questions and all the fuzz it created, I grew to actually desire to understand how a huge country like India could be enslaved by tiny nations like Britain and Portugal (+ I need to get rid of all these false information that have been planted into my mind). Particularly Britain has been at war with a lot of European nations and never made it to conquer one and hold it occupied for centuries. How was it possible for Britain to hold down a huge country with a strong warrior culture?

I really think we should ignore the troll now. He is hijacking several threads with the same racist rhetoric: Here is a list of threads he has hijacked: What is enlightenment, The trolls amongst us and is Hinduism a religion.

Fuck cock cunt piss shit nazi piss. Who are you guys again? The inheritors of a great culture or so…? I think you’re clowns. And David obviously continiues to be an idiot to allow a kid like yourself making an ass of himself.


I know David is highly tolerant and open minded, but Q is abusing that now and posting such vulgarity and highly offensive and racist posts and hijacking multiple threads to say the same racist stuff. I think it is obvious Q is trolling the forum now and he should be removed from this forum for his blatant disregard for his kindness and tolerance.

I am from now on going to ignore him.

And additionally, as I admitted, I am not mentionably knowledgable in India’s history + it’s probably depicted wrong by Surya Asura, who was my basic source of information about it. I guess he was just whining in his depictions to present India as the eternal victim. I had done some minor research before and indeed it looked like India was a very peaceful culture with barely a war going on. All I had found before recent researches were a few very brief incidents with only a very few casualties.

Do not blame me for your own stupidity. You have never considered me a source for anything troll. You have always said, “I don’t consider anything you say credible” When I told you dancing was not banned in India, you said to me, “I don’t trust you” when I told you Amir claims to be the Buddha you said to me “As you are not credible, I would like you to give me proof” In the persecution thread I said the atrocities that were done to the Hindus and I even cited them(the Muslim genocides, the Goa inqusitions, the British impoverishing them through the destuction of its economy) I never said that Hindus did not fight back or were an eternal victim. You made this up in your head, just like you made up “dancing is banned in India” You are either incredibly dense or you are a deliberate troll. And I think the latter because you consciously tell lies - like you considered me a source on India’s history.

I have worked out your game now - you are deliberately trolling to provoke Hindus on this board and to cause unnecessary wars on the forum to upset David so he bans the Hindus on this forum. Yet if there is anybody who deserves to be banned on this forum it’s you for being such a debased creature.

This will be my last post to you.

Hi Surya buttkiss,

Do not blame me for your own stupidity.
so you agree it was stupid to believe your depiction of Indias history is wrong…? See, we’re actually not so different. High five…? :smiley:

You have never considered me a source for anything troll. You have always said, “I don’t consider anything you say credible” When I told you dancing was not banned in India, you said to me, “I don’t trust you” when I told you Amir claims to be the Buddha you said to me “As you are not credible, I would like you to give me proof” In the persecution thread I said the atrocities that were done to the Hindus and I even cited them(the Muslim genocides, the Goa inqusitions, the British impoverishing them through the destuction of its economy) I never said that Hindus did not fight back or were an eternal victim. You made this up in your head, just like you made up “dancing is banned in India” You are either incredibly dense or you are a deliberate troll. And I think the latter because you consciously tell lies - like you considered me a source on India’s history.
I actually just failed to believe you’d depict your own country’s history so pathetic. I’m not perfect, I confess. I make mistakes too. :frowning: Now I see that you did that to milk compassion out of the reader.

And I quoted what you said, if that’s the depiction of a strong warrior culture, I think you must have some misconception about such.

I have worked out your game now - you are deliberately trolling to provoke Hindus on this board and to cause unnecessary wars on the forum to upset David so he bans the Hindus on this forum. Yet if there is anybody who deserves to be banned on this forum it’s you for being such a debased creature.
Actually I react to you Hindu nationalists like everybody does, who is not a Hindu nationalists. Then you play your ultra-aggressive slander- and insulting-routine and most people quit talking to you, cuz they’re disgusted, don’t think you’re worth their attention or simply hurt. I, though, am a thick-skinned bad ass that either laughs at your croaking or, mostly in case of young Nietzsche, feels sorry for you.

In this thread, I replied after Nietzsche told lies about me. Getting into a decent discussion with vimoh, you bitches comment anything I say with your fucked up slander. You think people don’t notice? You think people are so stupid?

This will be my last post to you.
Again? Really? :roll: + :lol: Sure you will reply to me whenever I comment your stuff, you simply want to inveigle others not to reply to me and have a decent debate. You bitch.