Is it wise for me to do yoga?

Q - There are 2 problems for me going to yoga classes. Doing yoga is something I always wanted to do.

Now there is a legitimate reason: Back surgery year and a half ago. One rod cracked, after the final check up, Doctor said anything could be done, won’t hurt me. Lower back, always in pain but getting better. Having my daughter go with me would help me stay in the class.
The other problem is embarrassing: Whenever my body is pushed to
stretch, there is a problem with my bowels. No control but that is also
getting better.I ask you, do you think it is wise for me to do yoga?


A - I suspect that yoga will be fine for you. I in general do not like to have students push themselves and definitely do not encourage teachers to push students in asanas. This does not promote more flexibility, except momentary gains. The true gains come ?from relaxation with the effort? while doing all practices, which is the phrase used in the Classical Yoga text called the Yoga Sutras II, 47. So this needs to be the guideline for how to effort in order to attain asana which is defined as a ?comfortable and stable posture?, one that you can retain with moderate effort for sometime. As far as bowels they are particularly sensitive to this guidance so I would recommend that you be mild and encourage your teacher not to push you at all physically. Their encouragement should be more along the lines of being disciplined and regular in your practice that is more likely to produce the results you seek. namaste