Thank you everyone for pitching in and clearing up certain issues…i also felt the video quality was too poor… now im reassured
kelsey i know, i’ve been talking to you by email…thank you for your kind support…i’m always glad to see how friendly and open americans can be…you guys have such a bad image here in europe… obese, completely ignorant, religious fondamentalists, pro-war, the sub-prime disaster, buying all the old properties in europe, changing the wine market (parker)… i’m always pointing out that we have the same problems here, that we are part of the problems, but people love scape goats if you know what i mean… 
Coming back to the course, i’m convinced but financial negotiations are still on the table…
It’s terrible to try to argue with an academic person that dreams of oxford-like institutions…they assume all yoga related courses are hoaxes for rich bored people and they lead to nowhere…sigh… but I won’t give up i’ll manage to convince the old scholar!
BTW this would be a great new thread, how to convince the academia of the value of yoga related knowledge…i’m really into philosophy and reasoning and it is a pity that there’s this huge barrier between the two, when it really is the same thing - understanding our place in existence, exploring how our mind works…
thank you everyone and keep warm!