What kind of asthma it is ? food allergy related ? pollen ? explain more…
If your symptoms are cold/cough followed by wheezing/asthma etc try the following…
viparita karani (do not use the wall)…start with 10 seconds and increase gradually to 1-3 minutes. since it is an inversion pose all cautions of such poses will apply. ask for more info and get an expert advice
fish pose also helps asthma.
there are few other one. don’t remember from top of my head.
you need a program that includes these along with other ones.
also one word about food. if this food related, avoid any food that causes allergy. also try to take food that contains magnesium(grapes, wheat germ etc) which is a bronco dilator.
remember…yoga poses are not like any other exercises. besides physical effect it has an effect on the mind. so watch/observe carefully how you feel.