Is Surya Namaskar Is Good For Asthma?

I have been performing Surya Namaskar for last two years. Actually I am an acute patient of Asthma. My doctor has suggested me to perform yoga to get some relief for the breathing issue. But I could not able to get benefit yet? Is there anyone who can help me whether Surya Namaskar is perfect posture for an asthma patient? Or I should move to something else?

Thanks In Advance :slight_smile:

Besides the asana I would think correctly executed pranayama may be directly beneficial for asthma issues.

What kind of asthma it is ? food allergy related ? pollen ? explain more…

If your symptoms are cold/cough followed by wheezing/asthma etc try the following…

viparita karani (do not use the wall)…start with 10 seconds and increase gradually to 1-3 minutes. since it is an inversion pose all cautions of such poses will apply. ask for more info and get an expert advice

fish pose also helps asthma.

there are few other one. don’t remember from top of my head.

you need a program that includes these along with other ones.

also one word about food. if this food related, avoid any food that causes allergy. also try to take food that contains magnesium(grapes, wheat germ etc) which is a bronco dilator.

remember…yoga poses are not like any other exercises. besides physical effect it has an effect on the mind. so watch/observe carefully how you feel.

Here’s a great article on a yoga teacher’s journey toward healing her asthma. I think it will help you a lot.

Take care,


I suffered from adult-onset asthma that started about 10 years ago. I started yoga about 2.5 years ago. My asthma is close to cured at this time, as my lung function has returned to normal, and my previously almost constant coughing is now just an occasional clearing of the throat. I don’t think it was a matter of one particular asana or a sequence of asanas, but rather an intensive effort with practicing 5+ times/week with many teachers, and applying myself fully. I am very thankful for experiencing the relief from asthma and hope you too can find it.

Anh ah! gio o noi phuong xa ay chac rang anh da khong con nho den em nua phai ko? em thi van nho toi anh nho rat nhieu nhung khi anh da muon roi xa em thi em se ko niu keo nhung gi khong thuoc ve minh nua anh ah.Boi vi nhu the se khong co hanh phuc, em khong hieu vi sao chung ta lai co mot ket thuc nhu vay? anh tro nen lanh lung voi em,em muon biet ly do vi sao anh cung khong tra loi em ma thay vao do la mot su im lang that lanh lung, anh co biet bao dem em da phai khoc vi nho anh ko? ngay anh di em da rat buon, em khong biet khi nao moi duoc gap lai anh nua. the ma anh di thi khoang cach cua chung ta ngay cang xa hon. Tai sao anh lai doi xu voi em nhu vay chu? em da lam gi co loi, hay tai vi anh trach em da ko tin anh? em yeu anh nen em so mat anh va tai sao anh ko danh thoi gian cho em de em phai buon chu? anh bao anh ban nhung khi yeu nhau du co ban may thi van co thoi gian danh cho nhau ma anh. Do co phai la cai co de anh roi xa em ko? neu anh ko con yeu em thi anh hay noi ra boi vi nhu the em se thay long minh nhe nhom hon. em van luon nho ve anh cho du anh da khong con muon nho den em nua. em yeu anh va mong anh hanh phuc anh nhe.

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