As you may know, I teach Purna Yoga™. Purna means “whole” or “complete” and therefore we teach a whole yoga. One of the four areas of our teaching is lifestyle/nutrition.
I would pay careful attention to the materials that are used in your bedding and linen. Some commonly used materials are flat out unhealthy while others are not in your “best interest”. This would also apply to the detergent you are using to wash your linens.
As for the bed itself, spring systems generally offer less in terms of spinal integrity. There are beds like the Soy-Rest and Strobel memory foam beds, Royal-Pedic’s organic cotton and wool mattress, and the amazing futons our own Soaring Heart futon’s produce here in Seattle. Bear in mind that not every “green” bed will be gold for your spine:-)
Please do not sleep on your belly - unless you’ve got a massage table to sleep on with a face cradle. If you must sleep on your side, wedge a pillow or small bolster between the thighs. In terms of pillows, a small roll under the cervical spine is best but very difficult for some to get used to.