I am transposing the comparative analysis I did of the different translations of the Rig Veda for the first few hymns of the Vedas. The first translation is done according to Sanskrit’s complex rules of linguistic analysis. The second is the translations done by European using a method invented by 19th century linguists called compararive linguistics.
Rig 1.1.1
Sanskrit transliteration: Agnim ile purah-hitam yagnasya devam rtivijam hotam ratnadhatamam
agnim: (ang = to flicker, zig zag) fire, divine fire, sacrificial fire inside stomach, bile
Ile: (id = to praise) I praise, adore, marvel
purah-hitam: inside placed, the word purah also signifies in front of or before, while pura indicates a town, stronghold or body.
yagnasya: (Yaj = to sacrifice, dedicate, bestow, give away) of efforts made, energy sacrificed
devam: (Div = to shine) senses, the light of consciousness/intelligence
rtivijam: (r = to move out, change, shape up, excite + jya = to get consumed) fuel, maintainer of energy conservation(rita = eternal law)
ratnadhatamam: treasure, anything valuable or precious/gems --(Dha = to hold, maintain) holding firmly
Translation: I praise/adore that fire divine that is placed within us, which provides us with the energy needed to vitalise our senses and consciousness, which when called upon it unfolds great treasures placed within us.
Commentary by Gosh. As the mode of the cosmic energy, Agni bestows upon all living creatures the necessary heat, light, power of procreation. The word is rooted in ang, meaning to move very intensely or very fast. Ang also means a limb or a part of a whole.
Griffith: I Laud Agni, the chosen Priest, God, minister of sacrifice,
The hotar, lavishest of wealth.
Rig 1.1.2
Sanskrit transliteration: agnih purvebhi rsibhi idyah uta sah devan a iha vaksati
Word for Word:
agnih: fire, vital energy
purvebhi: earlier also
rsibhi: by the Risis, the great thinkers/seers
idyah: (Id = to praise) was praised, adored
nutanaih: by the new ones
uta: and, also
devan: (Div = to shine) to the shining ones, senses
a: towards, direct
iha: here
vaksati: (Vaks = to grow, increase, be powerful) make powerful
stimulates, activates
Translation: This adorable Agni was eugolised by the early seers, just as it is being done by the new ones. It is the one that directs our senses here(in this body)
Griffith: Worthy is Agni to be praised by living as by ancient seers.
He shall bring hitherward the Gods.
Rig 1.1.3
Sanskrit transliteration: agnina rayim asnavat posam eva dive-dive yasasam viravataman
Word for Word:
agnina: By the vital energy
rayim: (rai = to flow, advance) zeal, arduour
asnavat: (as = to fill completely) like food filling the stomach
posam: (pus = to nourish) nourishes
eva: quickly, speedily
dive-dive: day-to-day
yasasam: satisfactorily, agreeably
viravattaman: powerful, vigorously, gripping
Translation: Like food nourishing our body, our zeal/energy for work to gets replenished by Agni from day to day, vigorously.
Griffith: Through Agni man obtaineth wealth, yea, plenty waxing day by day,
Most rich in heroes, glorious.
Rig 1.1.4
Sanskrit transliteration: agne yam yajnam adhvarnam visvatah pari-bhu asi sah it devesu gacchati
Word for Word:
agne: O Agni(fire divine)
yam: to that
yajnam: sacrifice, endeavour
adhvarnam: (Adhvan = way, passage, space, time, sky) mid-heaven, mind
visvatah: all round, everywhere
pari-bhu: encircles, encompasses all that exists(bhu)
asi: you are
sah: He, it
it: moving, going into
devesu: into the senses
gacchati: goes
Translation: O Agni, whatever sacrifice/effort we make, it is you who pervades that everywhere in the sky and beyond. It is that energy which also goes into our senses.
Commentary by Ghosh: The Risi here is emphasising that energy is imperishable, it is never lost, only changes its mode. The energy that works in the senses, is also the same that exists in the cosmos. The sky(adhvarnam) figuritively here signifies the mind
Commentary(by me): Agni is known as the messenger or conveyer in the Vedas. He conveys all the sacrifices we make to the celestial regions and brings forth result.
Griffith: Agni, the perfect sacrifice which thou encompassest about
Verily goeth to the Gods.
Rig 1.1.5
Sanskrit transliteration: agnih hota kavikratuh satyah citrasravah-tamahd devah devebhi a gamat
Word for Word:
agnih: the vital energy
hota: (hu = to invoke) invoker, sacrificer
kavi-kratuh: (kr = to create, generate) creative intelligence
satyah: true, the real
citrasravah-tamah = floating pictures - dispeller of darkness
devah: light, senses
devebhi: by the light, senses
a: onwards, direct
gamat: (gam = to go, to arrive) moves
Translation: For the invoker that calls upon Agni, creative intelligence is awakened, which dispels the darkness caused by the floating pictures in the mind and reveals the true reality. It drives onwards the light which enlightens the senses.
Griffith: May Agni, sapient-minded Priest, truthful, most gloriously great,
The God, come hither with the Gods.