Itching/ burning skin at start of practice

Hi I have just returned to regular yoga practice after a break of 10 years. ( my how one’s flexibility deteriorates!!). For at least the first 15 minutes of my class and during practice at home, my skin itches, burns and prickles. There is nothing to see on the skin, but I can barely concentrate and becomes quite intense. It isn’t locates to one particular area and is all over.

Any suggestions to make it stop?

I get this too, mainly my top half, I’m quite new to yoga - practice at home, sorry can’t give you answer to what it is, but intrigued to find out what it is

Hi Ollie, well at least it isn’t just me, my teacher was bemused by it too. Hopefully it will go away!

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. That’s interesting I shall go and read the article. I did a completely different class tonight that started with a good 20 minutes of breath work, and it didn’t happen at all. So hopefully I can look forward to less itchy yoga practice!