I've learned so much already!

I am finding the process of writing my introductory post to be [B]very[/B] difficult!

As I gain interest in any new subject or activity, I browse online forums to gain information and insights, and deepen my own understanding of this interest.

But I usually don’t post - simply read read & read. That must be why this is so hard - because I feel like I know the members of this community through reading for 3 months, yet I am only now introducing myself to you!

My asana practice, and life in general, has been enriched [B][I]so much[/I][/B] - because you have put yourself, your experiences and your knowledge online - for all people to learn from. You have a powerful effect on peoples lives.

I am like the green smiley face on this post. Expressing gratitude - I hope you can feel how deep it is - gives me a feeling I cannot begin to describe.

Thank you for your reading and everything else! Have a great morning or afternoon or night!!

Welcome! I too lurked on the forums for many many months before ever posting – in fact I don’t think I ever posted an opening message. Yours was very beautiful and warm and I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for joining us and I hope to hear a lot from you!


It is human nature to do things for the first time. But each time that you do it, you get more comfortable with it. When you first tried to walk, you kept falling down. But you kept doing it and I bet know you are great at walking. So just write more posts and do not worry if they are not great.

Gratitude felt and returned.
Thank you for coming out from behind your place and sharing.


thank you for your open-hearted introduction and for blessing our community by sharing in it as a member.

all happiness,

Welcome and much blessings to you as well. This Forum, it is a wonderful community and I think any one can count their blessings if they happen to click on this Forum. :slight_smile:

Thank you for such a [B]SPECTACULAR[/B] introduction.

That was warm & heart-felt .


I suppose I should have expected it, but these responses really made my night. Thank you all for the kind welcome!


My first post here was generously met by very encouraging and genuinely helpful advice,by both Nichole and InnerAthlete here, which continued to inspire and encourage faith and trust in an evolving yoga practice, which i am grateful for.I felt v honoured and gratitude, that members had made themselves available.I knew I was with real yogis.

Gestures like these, can outwardly seem small, but can have much impact, as you explained very well. And it is easy to get lost in yoga without lights along the way to steer ,guide & illuminate.( especially if you are not born into a yoga family)

The positive gestures shown to me, and their impact, p. by folk involved in the yoga/mind/body communitiy, remind me to return the same compassion and kindness, and willingness & a desire to help, and the resulting effect that might have, if one believes in an ability to make a difference,whenever the opportunities present themselves.

Yoga can change your life and deal with a lot of mental,emotional and physical issues, as you are very well aware of.

Thanks for your v. powerful contribution,Dave. It’s [B]definitlely[/B] one of the best i’ve read here.
And I agree wholeheartedly that you can learn a great deal here.