Pranayama is best learnt under guidance. I know lots of people learn from books, but at best, you will not get full benefits , and at worst can harm yourself.
Kunjal Kriya is also best learnt under a teacher, as it expelling the water, one needs to learn how to expel it up to the maximum quantity. No harm in doing it regularly- the frequency will be dictated by your own need.
I was doing pranayama for about 15 days (including udhiyana bandha, without any guidance) and experienced similar problems of high acidity. my problem was more of sleeplessness for entire night. I approached an allopathic and he diagonised this as hyperacidity. I was under his treatment, then I came to know about kunjal kria and did it one day myself(with out any guidance as described in books and the internet). I was feeling fine for rest of the day. I did only once and not continued it. I am still having this problem. Do you think by continuing this will solve my problem. I found in internet that Shitali Pranayama is also good for this. Do you have any idea? I did Kunjal kriya once and found no problems, do you think a guidance is must for this?[/QUOTE]