Kapalabhati & breath retention

T asked about kapalabhati breath with and without retention. As i remember it you said that without retention would be a Kriya and with retention would be a pranayama (as long as you feel the prana!!!).


therefore, in my case, trying to regain some weight that i have found I have lost over the last few months I should do it without the retention. Is this


When i have practiced Agnisar dhouti in the past i have pushed out more breath and sucked in my belly pulling up under the ribs somewhat. When we did it in class at the weekend the belly was not so pulled in and up as much so we could allow it to drop and lift. I find that the throat lock is difficult to engage when doing it as we did in class. Is this normal, if not any tips?

The former is more preliminary to Uddiyana Bandha; not the way I taught. Best method is to deliberately lock throat as you exhale then retaining it during Agnisar dhouti practice.