Kapila, Vyasa, Narayana... some questions


First post on Yoga Forums!

I have a few questions, and I thought that maybe people on this forum would come up with interesting answers (not to trivialize… I mean, interesting and authentic answers). Hope I’m not expecting too much.

  1. Please let me know if Kapila of Sankhya and Kapila, son of Devahuti, are the same or if they’re different people?

  2. From the coherence supposed by historians and others of academia, what is the time period of Narayana’s entry into the pantheon of gods?

  3. Is the Narayana who appeared at Badrinath the same as the one who sleeps upon the serpent Adisesha, or does this coherence belong to a later period?

  4. Is there any relationship between the concept of Narayana and the person of Veda Vyasa (aka Badarayana)? Particularly, did Veda Vyasa initiate the worship of Narayana, or give it an impetus by endorsing it?

  5. What are the rules resorted to for the interpretations of Narayana as ‘naraanaam ayanam yah sah,’ and ‘naraah ayanaah yasya sah’? These interpretations come from taking ayana as a ‘pada.’ But the ‘ayana’ suffix is generally used as a ‘pratyaya’ (taddhita, if I’m not wrong) and forms part of such names as Badarayana, Ashvalayana, Arkayana, Katyayana, Vatsyayana, etc. If possible, I’d like to a vyutpatti of Narayana, first from the level of dhatu and pratyaya, and then by samasa. Kindly include the relevant Panini Sutras.

I’d be deeply grateful for responses to any of these questions. Also, if any members know/are Sanskrit grammarians, I’d appreciate it if you could PM me and we can talk about the vyutpatti I requested in Q. 5.

Well, so much for my first post. Hello, all :grin: