Kidney weakness and Candida

What is your recommendation for weakness in the kidneys combined with chronic fatigue and systemic Candida? These are the complaints of a potential student who is also about 8 weeks pregnant and has 2 young children. Any direction is greatly appreciated. I am currently researching pranayama for her. Peace to you!

First thought is to recommend she see a competent herbal healer and nutritionist, such as at Hanna Kroeger?s Peaceful Meadow Retreat near Boulder. You can call there weekdays (303-442-2490) between 1-4 and speak with a volunteer healer trained in Hanna?s methods. For a complex situation such as this it is ideal to see the individual face to face as each of the components cannot be thought of as separate issues. Without reading the woman?s energy field and pulses, an accurate assessment is not possible. And this is the way I will respond in writing but it is unlikely I would work this way in person.
Chronic fatigue may arise from Candida, so this is my first line of thought. For the Chronic fatigue she needs an extremely gentle yoga practice that emphasizes soft ujjaye pranayama to be done all the time. When she goes into and out of a pose it is accompanied by this pranayama. By practicing with a competent teacher this can be learned as a way to literally regulate the pranic flows in her body. The fatigue is seen as an imbalance between prana and apana forces. Kidneys function is promoted by Vyana and apana pranas. The key for working with such a client is to look beneath the surface to the pranic forces driving personality and diminishing connection to Spirit. The underlying emotional issues are most likely fear and anger. These forces are driven into tissues from the pranas. My sense is that she has not been in a situation yet that makes her confront the grievances that she has against life and/or God being unfair. To get to these more primal forces one is best advised to call upon God for help