I took your workshop at the Yoga House in Pasadena a few months ago, which I enjoyed immensely. I am writing to you about a knee problem that you talked about during the workshop. One of my students said she has been having knee problems. When I looked at the alignment of her knee, I noticed that, in order for it to be pointing forward, her foot had to be turned out. I have only seen this once before, and that was in your workshop. A girl called Susan complained to you about her feet/knees, and we all gathered around and you pointed out the alignment problem. You had a name for it, which I have forgotten. Anyway, I told my student about what you had said to Susan. I advised her to try practicing with her knee straight and her foot turned out, which seems much more logical to me than getting the foot straight and twisting the knee. She was very relieved to make this discovery, as she has been having pain in her knees, in bridge/wheel, etc., and I now understand why.
So, I just wanted to ask you if you had any more advice I should pass on to her, regarding her approach to the postures. I don’t see any problems that could arise from turning her feet out, when they would normally be parallel, but I just wanted to be thorough about it. Are there other implications that I should be thinking about? For other postures? Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to your response.
Regards, FC