Knee injury

What are your recommendations for my client with the following injury of

two weeks ago. Happened in an asana during home practice and she has

suspended practice with the exception of pranayama and very gentle movements that does not involve any bending of knee. One of the poses that helped me in a similar situation was Parighasana (gate latch), with the heel inserted into the wall. My sense is it is too early. At this point in time, I would wait a bit and then

have her focus on adductors at insertion point in all forward bending and

inversions. Helped me a lot. Also Arnica and Silica assisted the healing a

lot. Let me know.

?I am still hobbling; however, my knee does seem to be getting better. I

went to a chiropractor who thinks I pulled the adductor longus muscle at the

insertion to the bone & strained the medial collateral ligament. She

doesn’t think anything is torn, however, said that if it’s not significantly

better in a few weeks I should make an appointment with an orthopedist"

A ? She sounds like she is being sensible to my ears. I would suggest use of BF&S ointment which I often bring to class. If you don’t have I can supply $25 mail order. Arnica or other healing herbs is good idea too. A good massage therapist can speed healing process by 50%.

   Mostly with injury I recommend strengthening the antagonists which would be the abductors.  Such poses as lying on side leg lifts.  Or standing same movement to side.  Avoid stretching or contracting of adductors.  Walking is a good idea.  namaste