Knee pain in lunge and others

Hi Mukunda,

I have a new student with a history of knee trouble. She had torn cartilage in her left knee and had an operation 2 years ago. They left the tear but took out scar tissue. She has arthritis in her quad and patella. She also has “trouble” with her right knee. After light yoga practice both knees are sore. She is unable to put her right knee back in lunge because it causes her pain. Also her left knee hurts in extension on #4 of the joint freeing series. In #5 the left knee has pain when the knee is externally rotated. Her left knee has pain when it’s bent in janusirshasana after 20 secconds or so. In general it seems her knees hurt when her kneecaps are pulled up. She is very motivated to have a regular asana practice. Any insight into what can be done for her knees, and what should be given/avoided in her practice in general would be most helpful

thank you – BP

A very challenging situation. The deeper solution might well be to do the arthritis diet (search for that topic on this site) as a 10 day cleanse to help remove ama (toxic material) from joints that are in pain. This is the more lasting solution, especially when combined with a regular Ayurveda pitta balancing diet.
As far as asanas go i would have her do cat and slowly separate the knees so one is going gradually into groin stretch cited in my book on page 164. The entire series would be better to do yet this one motion might provide some relief when the runner stretch is painful. I have been finding that students who do the entire mobilization series descritbed here in chapter 17 that there results are superior to doing just some of the motions.