Knee Pain

Dear Mukunda, this is from a student of mine. Is it enough information
for you to give me some input in how to help her? She said the tear is in
the cartilage. Thank you Namaste P

We don’t know any details on this knee. X-ray showed bones were fine, and he’s going by instinct on what is wrong. I really need a MRI to show
details, but with my insurance we’re going on educated guess first. If
still a problem, then go for the MRI next month. He said the reason why it
sounds like a tare or rip is that it only does the sharp pain when bent and
putting weight on it. I can sit and no sharp pain!! There’s a flap that
covers it normally and he said the times it doesn’t pain is the flap is
doing its thing. But when the tare or rip is exposed the flap catches it
and the sharp pain

There is not enough information to go on. How did injury occur? Where
is pain? What hurts what makes it feel better? Start with those basics.
There are two cartilages in knee. Medial and lateral. Most common injury
is to medial which makes sitting cross legged contraindicated. In general
strategy is strengthening quadriceps and hamstrings - bridge and locust are usually safe. Namaste