Kneecaps - Tibial Torsion

I started teaching classes recently and one of my students is a young lady with a slight twist in her legs, her kneecaps will never be over the feet in standing poses like Tadasana. They will be turning in. So while making her do poses like Triangle, I suggested her to turn her feet out so that her kneecap always faces forward. I wanted to align it with the hips. Am I right? What other asanas can I give her to help her with her condition?

This condition is called tibial torsion. The knees do not align with the feet. Anyone not realizing this is a bone condition might try to align the feet but will be causing stress or pain to the knees and/or hip joints. There is no correction for this situation, as the misalignment is in the bone tissue. All you want to do is make sure she is comfortable in standing and kneeling poses. For her you want to align the kneecaps straight ahead and allow her to have her feet turn out. In other words, she will not be aligned relative to the class in order for her to be aligned for her tibial torsion. In general the student knows what is comfortable more clearly than we can see from the outside. Unless we become extremely empathic and learn to feel what we suspect they feel in their body.