Dear all,
I have been practicing a very simple set of kriyas/asanas (Isha yoga) since last 10 months. Lately I’ve experienced some severe problems and have stopped the practice since a month.
These are my symptoms:
1- Very intense nerve pain in soles of the feet (mostly left feet and toes). It increases in night. Its a stabbing and burning pain in nerves (not muscle pain.). There is some kind of pulse running in toes.
2- Throat choking during reciting of OM. There is a sensation of pressure building up in throat and pushing upwards, but its not bearable and I cough till it stops.
3- Body is always hot like fever, heat increases after evening.
4- Tingling at the top of head, as if air is blowing there and popping in ears.
5- Many other unusual sensations, like throbbing at perineum and shaking of whole body in sleep.
I’ve done medical checkups and 5 kinds of tests , everything is perfect in the body, no viruses, normal BP and blood sugar, no HIV. Even the doctor is confused, because these resemble nearly a dozen of diseases and reports say I’m perfectly healthy. He has prescribed pain killers (pregabalin & Infen) which I take when the feet pain becomes unbearable.
Now that I’ve given up the practice , these symptoms have become less intense. After much searching, I suspect kundalini (or active prana).
What do the experienced and knowledgeable members here have to say about it ? Am I deluded/have a rare disease or has the practice triggered something, which was not intended by the teachers ?
I’ll be very grateful for any help because I’m very confused and troubled by the pain. All I’ve heard from others so far is - this should not happen, I must have done something wrong or ask your guru (I don’t have one, long story)