Kurmasana- centering the concentration to the spine

I am interested in the sensation of centerin in kurmasana. we created a beautiful video that shows it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7jSvVjm4tk.
Perhaps you have other examples, videos, ideas for this position?

Best wishes for your practice

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Dear Narayani,

Thanks the the asana looks beautiful. The forward bend and head lift looks a bit like exerted rather then natural flow. I am hoping this is performed after kurma mudra, which itself is done after the awareness of the kurma nadi ?

First is the awareness of the sphere of kurma - 'avarana' - Then is the mudra of kurma ( both for solar and lunar sides ) and finally the beautiful asana that you have shown. that would be more complete.

atleast that is what I have learnt from my preceptor. Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Exert ist a good word I think, for yoga practice. I think. I dont know exactly if its meant negative or positive in english, perhaps the word: consciousness is clearer. The movements in Yoga should be, by my opinion, conscious. Here another good example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmaVGbxVJqo

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definitely positive, and I meant that it did not look completely natural and looked as if the posture was forced. conscious and also natural right? what the saying : asana's are mere side-effect that happens when respective nadi's are ready. ... something on those lines...

Centering to the spine could be explained as centering to the susumna nadi.

Not sure about it. None of the traditions speak of sushumna* as anything physical. Such misleading assumptions can on the contrary be to further detriment. just saying !! sometimes its better to just say what we are "sure" of and not more isn't it ... its amazing how many Sanskrit terms people use for free grant.

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