Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Healing

Inspire others. Please share your story about how adopting the classic Yoga lacto or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet contributed to your health and healing.

I guess it helped you so why dont share your story to begin with?

I feel great - more energy and a better mood - than I ever did as a omnivore. I’m also super lucky that I’ve always been healthy. I’m looking for stories of healing - someone with medical problems who switched to a lacto-veg or lacto-ova-veg and who attribute that switch to their healing.

I have talked about my injury before (tbi) I was a cyclist ,I had been in the Devine light mission in the 70’s . I swam and played japnese karate (jka) for many years all that stop one day when I was hit by a car . I fel into depression ,finally found yoga again , I jumped in head first ,I eat mostly eat raw foods, I eat beans also ,which are the only things i cook except … .I break that routine a couple of times a week and have a hard boiled egg (does that make me bad ?)
I have made amazing progress in my yoga much better that would have thought possible
My body has always been capable of doing what I have asked of it ,I have much to be thankful for

Thanks for sharing your story. So sorry to hear about your troubles, but glad you found some respite in Yoga - including the Yoga diet. And no - eating a hard boiled egg definitely doesn’t make you bad! Really there are no good or bad foods - just better choices. Eggs have taken a bad rap from the scientific community for years, which is a shame because they’re loaded with nutrition. The concern for their cholesterol content has diminished now that we understand that the primary contributor to cholesterol in the blood is saturated fat - probably primarily the long chain fatty acids from animals. From a yogic standpoint, the traditional Yoga texts like the[I] Hatha Yoga Prakipika[/I] talk a lot about diet, but they never discourage the consumption of eggs.

Thank you yogadr
I have a question about dairy ,I used enjoy low fat plain Greek yogurt but I read on another yoga web site that dairy will make mucus which will make a person stiff , that web site also says wheat and grains can turn into a glue that will also make a person inflexible .
What are your thoughts on that ? Flexibility has never been much of a problem for me
Oh I almost forgot the site says meat is not a problem like the other two examples
All this can be very confusing so i decided to go mostly raw but it is hard to keep from losing too much weight . I swim an hour six days a week and do yoga everyday
Thank you

I eat yoghurt everyday and im flexible maybe they take it to the extreme what could happen but most likely not. Yoghurt however makes you cool so if you lived in india without heatingsystem you would probably avoid yoghurt and even bananas in wintertime.

If im in a hot country and cant sleep i drink or eat yoghurt to cool down.

The [I]Hatha Yoga Pradipika[/I], the [I]Siva Samhita[/I], and the [I]Gheranda Samhita[/I] - the highly regarded traditional texts, manuals really, of Yoga practice - all recommend that yogis enjoy milk and some dairy. They stop at curd though, and advise avoiding it. Curd is what cheese is made from. So milk, yogurt, even a tiny bit of butter or ghee were all considered beneficial to Yoga practice by the most esteemed gurus of old, but cheese was not. They also recommended against eating all flesh meat including fish. I’d take my information from them rather than that website.

The gurus writing the texts also say the most important component of the Yoga diet is moderation. It doesn’t mean drinking gallons of milk every day or whole sticks of butter (!) but a low-fat plain yogurt every day is good for you in their estimation and mine, too.

From a medical stand point, there is no indication whatsoever that dairy “makes mucus which can make a person stiff” or that grains turn into glue to make a person inflexible. It’s total nonsense. (The Yoga texts also recommend whole grain wheat, barley, and rice.) Yogurt has protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and live cultures of bacteria to improve your health.

On a personal level, I eat a cup of low-fat or non-fat plain yogurt on most days and have not found any troubles with flexibility.

Thanks yogadr you are a treasure
Peace your website is on my favorites list thanks for that too

You are most welcome. And thank you for the kind words. :slight_smile: