
Dearest Mukunda,

I have a client who had leukemia 3 years ago, and it just now resurfaced. She doesn’t know I know, one of her friends told me. She is really upset about it, although she acts like nothing is wrong and (outwardly) is in
great spirit. Is there anything (asana/pranayama/mudra) I can add to her
yoga classes that might help her condition (without being obvious that I
know)? Thank you in advance. Warmest regards.

For leukemia the recommendation would be to give purification practices --shatkarma kriyas, mantras, and rituals honoring the Divine Presence. Of these practices most teachers know very little except perhaps kapalabhati. These are the practices taught in the Indian lineage’s of Yoga that were more popular during the 60s to 80s - Sivananda Yoga, Integral Yoga and Baba Hari Dass of Mt. Madonna Center. Without a background in the more classical side of yoga and yoga therapy, the best is to give regular classes with love and gratitude for the students who come to be nurtured by your kindness and consideration. I truly feel that a general class taught with love and caring is the best offering unless you seek detailed training in specific topics of Yoga Therapy.

Should she ask for specific help then it would be prudent to ask more inquiries, a good reference point is to contact Yoga Research and Education Center which also houses the International Association of Yoga Therapy - http://www.yrec.org/iayt.html and see what recommendations they have as well as checking out their extensive bibliography on yoga therapy studies.