Correct me if I am wrong.
when kundalini rises up. It penetrates the chakras correct?
If this is true. Then kundalini rises up the front of the body,for it is the vagus nerve that contains the chakras.
Kundalini is the reversal of apana.
Their are bandahs etc that cause this.
Yet the bandahs are temporary.
They are like pushing a car instead of pressing the gas pedal.
Its called “second hand method”
Now! The apana everyone is trying to reverse is that of the bladder/kidney channel. Knowing this,how silly does much of the spinal obsession become?
PS for the spinal breathing heros. Their is a good chance you are influencing spinal muscles. I personally become proficient in this. It is not the way. "Personal opinion no offense intended"
for the microcosmic orbit junky. I was proficient as well. To the point of having a red hue and constant flame ascending my spine. This is also not the way.
As they have said. Make pranayama and apana join in manipura no?
Is this not the attempt of everyone strung out on bandage?
Y’all got samadhi down to a science.
But its the Chinese who understand kundalini.
Reverse the apana. Then the fire of the kidneys develop. Mingle the spirit of breath with the fire and then both will ascend.
Xing and Ming shall connect at manipura. Wind and fire.
Tiger is wind. Prana. Dragon is fire. The Pearl you always see the dragon holding? That is the great treasure of the deep. Sexual sublimination. “Tantra” can only be done with an awakened kundalini. I will leave it at this! If I get responses ill say more.