Looking for a kundalini awakened teacher

Dear all,

I’m looking for a kundalini awakened teacher, preferably around Pune, India. I’ll be very grateful if the experienced members here can help me out and suggest some names.

I just joined the forum and hope to contribute as much as I can.


Hello Sanjeev and welcome.

Please, can you elaborate on that you mean by “kundalini awakened” and also why you are seeking such a thing/person?

Thank you.


Hello InnerAthlete,

It obviously means someone who has awakened the kundalini in him/her and is willing to teach those who are ready. Someone who has gone through the experience and is in a better position to guide others.

I’m seeking such a teacher for reasons mentioned here in my other post kundalini-and-nerve-pain (Spirits path forum here)

Hope you’ll read it and offer your advice. Thanks.


It is not so obvious. What pop culture (or current day yoga students) call Awakened Kundalini is merely a smattering of the actual force and most people have no idea whatsoever what they are dealing with - or else they’d be thinking twice. True kundalini is so powerful you cannot even imagine and I’d suggest reading the works of Gopi Krishna- perhaps one of the few people on the planet who experienced this force in earnest.

Hello Gordon,

Thanks for your views on the matter.
You are right in saying that its not so obvious what is meant by kundalini awakened. Perhaps no one knows the full meaning of it and very few have experienced some of it.

I have a slight different understanding of an k-awakened person. (I do not claim that this is right, I’m a noob in the area)

  • One who is near the final goal of , so called, kundalini yoga practice. (As described by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, or St Jhaneshwar etc)
  • One who can give shaktipat
  • One who has a natural or accidental k-awakening (like Gopi K and others) and their experiences are roughly similar to those commonly accepted as k-experiences. However, they most likely do not understand or teach this.
  • One who knows the energies and its dynamics, although he may call it something else, but it points to kundalini.
  • One whose students are also mostly successful in this area.

Its very very difficult to know such a person (most will not advertise it) and only long personal interaction can tell you the reality of such a person. That’s why my question.

If someone wishes to keep the info confidential and still wants to help me, please send a message or Email to know me more.


Likely I cannot direct you further, I’m sorry.


[QUOTE=InnerAthlete;67133]Likely I cannot direct you further, I’m sorry.


Not a problem. Hopefully someone will.
I don’t know if you’ve checked the extra info I posted in the other thread which you asked. If not, please do check it.


[QUOTE kundalini is so powerful you cannot even imagine and I’d suggest reading the works of Gopi Krishna- perhaps one of the few people on the planet who experienced this force in earnest.[/QUOTE]

What if Gopi Krishna had some hallucinations …Possible…

hi sanjeev

i am agree with you that we need a person who we call guru. as i had passed mine 17 years with person like this who is guru of mine and he was giving shaktipat to many people.

i know what is the power of Shaktipat and i had feel that it is not like discussion over here no thoery only practical thing. by theory you can not imagine or understand any thing about kundalini one have to do it practically. in western culture very few had experienced shaktipat.

you can go in google and write name of vibhakar pandya. they are there in india and giving shkatipat. some times they are coming pune but not confirmed when you can check by your self.

Sanjeev What is the reason you want kundalini? Do you think it will remove some problems of yours? Or did you read it is needed for something?

i am telling you just for information to you that whenever any spiritual activity you do irrespective of any religion will lead you to kundalini awakening by itself. it may take time but one day it will happen and shaktipat is the process of the systematic kundalini awakening under controlled environment.

also siro i got your point that some premature awakening cause problem but that is what controlled and guided environment needed. still this is mine view which i generated through many years of experience.

i will suggest you read a book once which i am giving which is freedown load from site.


thanks and sanjeev you go on you are on the right path.

Correct me if I am wrong.
when kundalini rises up. It penetrates the chakras correct?
If this is true. Then kundalini rises up the front of the body,for it is the vagus nerve that contains the chakras.

Kundalini is the reversal of apana.
Their are bandahs etc that cause this.
Yet the bandahs are temporary.
They are like pushing a car instead of pressing the gas pedal.
Its called “second hand method”

Now! The apana everyone is trying to reverse is that of the bladder/kidney channel. Knowing this,how silly does much of the spinal obsession become?
PS for the spinal breathing heros. Their is a good chance you are influencing spinal muscles. I personally become proficient in this. It is not the way. "Personal opinion no offense intended"
for the microcosmic orbit junky. I was proficient as well. To the point of having a red hue and constant flame ascending my spine. This is also not the way.

As they have said. Make pranayama and apana join in manipura no?
Is this not the attempt of everyone strung out on bandage?

Y’all got samadhi down to a science.
But its the Chinese who understand kundalini.

Reverse the apana. Then the fire of the kidneys develop. Mingle the spirit of breath with the fire and then both will ascend.

Xing and Ming shall connect at manipura. Wind and fire.
Tiger is wind. Prana. Dragon is fire. The Pearl you always see the dragon holding? That is the great treasure of the deep. Sexual sublimination. “Tantra” can only be done with an awakened kundalini. I will leave it at this! If I get responses ill say more. :slight_smile:

very nice presentation siro

Kundalini chemical movement done by some one in your body while you are sitting in meditation is called shaktipat by guru. who is not doing your operation feasically but doing operation by the use of energy.

I do agree.
when I spoke,it was in context of methods. “Cultivation”

But in context to your statements. Yes. 100 percent!
This is easily perceived by the changing of body order into a sweet smelling oder.
In the extremes,the blood is said to turn white. Though I have never witnessed it.

Indeed. Its a full phycho-physiological transformation.

But. Their was a perfect simple method for all of this long ago. But time is the great destroyer. Information become rotten and changed by the fire of time.

Anyway. What I said was from both personal experiance and research. Pranayama. I’ve blown up this forum when it comes to pranayama. I was ignored. Lol. Xing/wind/pranayama is easy.
Ming. Reversing apana. That’s the trick. I tell you now its so easy it can be done on accedent. Lol! Long story.

Shaktipat can be done via eye contact. So beware all you practitioners!
Although I do not view this as a bad thing. From what I’ve seen, shaktipat via eye contact is safe. Dangerous only in the person may suddenly pass out and hit their head. That’s biggest damage I forswear.

search nath guru… the most expert in kundalini… if you are in india naths are mostly in north india… as himalayan people say : “fortunate are those who found a nath guru”