Looking for a medium term quiet yoga retreat in asia

Dear yogaforums,
I’m currently in Asia and I’m looking practice yoga in a quiet place for two months. I’ve been practicing ashtanga yoga for 6 months. I just want to go somewhere where I can learn about yoga, practice yoga and relax. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Since Asia is the largest continent, would you narrow it which countries you are interested in? One more question, are you practicing Classical Ashtanga (8-limbed practice) or Pattabhi Jois’ Ashtanga Yoga?

What a treat to yourself to find a quiet place to practice Yoga for 2 months. I hope you get some good suggestions here.



Asia is the home of the most amazing yoga retreats worldwide. We have come up with 20yoga retreat centers around that covers most of the Asian yoga retreat centers. Just check them out.