Looking for suggestions

Hello all!!
I am starting up a website and was wondering if my fellow yogis would take a look and let me know if you guys have any suggestions/spot any errors...

I would really appreciate your help and thank you for your time
Namaste :smiley:

HI there,

went to the site and my comment is to put spaces on your homepage content because it’s hard to read. Specially the Types of Yoga part.

It would also be nice to put in photos of yourself or any generic photos.

And then your contact information should also be visible at all pages of your site to make sure you capture each visitors and provide them an easy way to get in touch with you.

Hope this helps!

I also have a site, serenityyogaretreats.com

Congratulation to you and I hope I will usually support you. I think that the homepage is still too simple. You should divide into some small part and add more photos, your website will be more attractive. :slight_smile:

Hello Devin,

Thank you for choosing such effulgent colors for your web presence. It is so appropriate for the modality we have chosen.

Without knowing the intention of the site it is difficult to feedback. If you are running a small studio space where you are the only teacher and the site is to draw students then it is lovely.


Thank you so much everyone!!
I really appreciate all of your feedback :slight_smile:

Suggestion is that any activities do the properly because yoga do on with best steps

Good colors.

Can the “Search” be removed and brought down on the green band, so that it will not deface the beautiful flower.

Please elaborate the philosophy in more intimate way.

Can you choose a more friendly font?