Losing weight with Suryanamaskar

Hi everyone,
I have been regularly doing cardio exercise and also finding my body getting toned.
The problem is I recently learned that intense cardio may get rid of my muscles instead of fat.
The purpose of me doing any exercise is to get toned, fit and not have any extra tyres.
So I decided to start with suryanamaskar for 30 minutes daily because it works up your entire body muscles.
My dilemma is that during cardio I used to sweat a lot but even after 30 minutes of suryanamaskar I just sweat 5 to 10 percent of it.
How do I know whether I am burning the fat calories and does Suryanamakar really work in losing weight?

Have you heard of Surya Namaskar A & B from ashtanga yoga?

It is a different tradition, and most popular in the west.
They combine the motions with ujjayi pranayama, and other stuff like drishti’s and bandha’s.

But try the sequence even if only with ujjaiy pranayam and you’ll surely sweat! Even skinny people sweat, it is said that it helps clear your body of toxins, and it makes you feel very nice afterwards! :slight_smile:
Have a go at it and tell me what you find! :slight_smile:


Hello @Rash
Have you feel any changes in belly, I mean less than earlier time. You cannot get quick result of weight loss. keep doing Surya Namaskar, it definitely help you to lose weight.