Low back discomfort follow up


CP, a student of mine who you saw in sept in NYC with multiple myloma is complaining of pain in her low back, but not from the stenosis we had corresponded about earlier. this is a perceptable knot of tissue that I could feel below SI joint on right side, she said it bothers her on left too, but right side pain wakes her up at night. This site is slightly inferior and medial to the site of bone marrow extractions she has been receiving over the past couple of years for her treatments. When her pain was more in the low back, you suggested she work with vyana prana encouraging it to move down, streaming hands over body and staying in childs pose with knees and ankles hip width apart. at this point she is in remission and is feeling the best she has felt in about 2 years, however now her back is really bothering her. she and I both feel this pain may be from the trauma of the punctures from the needles and all that is tied up with that. we have only worked on practices to restore prana and ease stress, I ve never done ROM or MT on her, so I dont know if she and I should begin again there. I had given her a thai body massage once and she felt that was very healing. any guidance you can give as to whether we should be working structurally in working below site of pain in kopha mode or stay in the direction of relaxing and releasing mode is appreciated. Your advice to her in her private was to increase ojas and get in touch with her angels.

My first thought is to have her massage the area with castor oil following a warm bath. Then doing packs of the oil then going to bed with her body wrapped in a towel to prevent the oil from getting on sheets. The castor oil is a wonderful way to relieve pain in general. Then i am wondering about what has happened with her seeking the spirits of guidance from the angelic realm. Guidance may be coming from other realms as well. the key here is to encourage her to seek assistance on the non physical realm. namaste mukunda

I did recommend castor oil which she used. Last time we worked the knots were gone and now she is concerned about her thoracic spine. I asked her about the angel realm and she said she does some visualizations and the angels appear as her good friends and support (you and I got our wings). Do you have a recommendation for someone who may be able to guide her to the other realms that she can work with via phone or in NYC? there is a women local who does angel work but I have never personally used her and I dont know how she is.

Angelic guidance - i recommend going direct but for mentoring i would suggest finding someone through the grapevine. There is no one i can specifically recommend. I can assist her in the subtle realms as a general course but not angelic specifically. namaste

I am going to relay your recommendations to her and see how/if she wants to proceed. Just so I am clear, what do you mean by “going direct” versus mentoring?

Going direct is through prayer finding the angels who can assist. By asking them to manifest in dreams or meditations one can receive direct counseling. Other way is of course a 3rd party mentoring and monitoring the attempts to go direct and helping put together a connection. This way involves just a highly sensitive person who can detect the presence of both and then can create contact and hence communication between two parties. Sort of like old telephone operators used to act. blessings. m