Lower back pain

I took your weekend seminar in Calgary in October. You showed us two hip opening movements in which you said they were the best things to relieve lower back pain. The movement was a rocking of the hips and pelvis forward and back, then rotating the thighbone externally and internally. What about them relieves lower back pain? Also, I got a lot out of your weekend here.

Thank you. C

The movement is done by sitting unevenly with both feet to the same side. From there moving the top of the pelvic (iliac spine) into pelvic tilt and thrust (flexion and extension) 12-15 times creates a freedom of the lumbar spine to move both laterally and with repetitions of flex and extend, it also released a pent up sacroiliac joint. The second movement done by holding the top of the femur and rotating internally while lifting the hip off the floor then externally lowering the pelvis to the floor frees up the hip socket and all the gluteal muscles that cross the hip joint. Many of these muscles affect the sacroiliac and mobilizing them promotes a wave of circulation and energy to the lumbar sacral region.