Lower back problem

For many years, I have suffered from lower back problems, esp. on the right side. I have searched for a long time for understanding and relief. About two weeks ago I took a yoga workshop with a Canadian Iyengar trained teacher and he encouraged us to “unlock” the pelvis in order to free the groins. In Parsvakonasana, for example, he asked us to tip the pelvis forward until we felt it “lock” and then to back off just enough to where it felt free again. Now I’ve heard this kind of direction before, both through years of modern dance training as well as through yoga. I’ve even “taught” it. Well, that day something changed dramatically. It became very clear that I had been very well trained to hold my pelvis in a little pelvic tilt (like I thought I was supposed to), but that this deeply patterned habit’s time was up. My pelvis is now in a slightly tilted position (in the direction of the “dreaded” swayback or lordosis) and I feel truly liberated. I feel lighter and my spine feels long and free. My backbends have now become very free as my lower and upper back sections both can move in complement to one another. I feel inspired to do lots of backbends too. I feel new energy and lightness in my Asana practice. I feel as though I have received a gift. Here’s my question:

What is the cause of this? Some significant events in my sadhana life have been things like a customized asymmetrical Asana practice from you, an intensive satsang and yoga therapy studies at RMIYA this summer, switch to vegetarianism, Ayurvedic treatment, initiation/transmission from my guru, deepening sadhana practice, and letting go of a decades old wrong neuromuscular pattern of “centering my pelvis” (perhaps AKA “being in the right place at the right time?”). Is it grace? I just feel very grateful. Much love and light to you, your family, your students and your teachers.


K. - It is wonderful to hold yourself in the place of looking for Grace. This place of holding yourself or returning yourself to is a great blessing. When one looks for Grace, what else can be found? On another level the backing off of full range of motion or a “locked position” is the only place where change can occur. The end point has no potential for eliciting change. So students of yoga will always find change occurring when they back off as Patanjali says so eloquently in his Yoga Sutras II, 47 “The perfect posture is attained by relaxation of effort, lessening the tendency for restless and meditation on the infinite.” Seek Ananta, the infinite, and Grace is the result. On the most profound level this is truly what your yoga practice has been all aimed at. Hold onto gratefulness and gratitude.

My good friend Jean Couch (author of Runner’s Yoga Book) of Palo Alto has found that backing off yet increasing the pelvic angle, hence enhancing lordosis creates a state where “balance” as she calls it can occur and joint pain disappears. She has studied many 3rd world cultures that literally have no joint pain and finds that their pelvic stance is at the base of a way of being in their bodies that keeps them free. She teaches this method individually and to movement therapists. See http://www.balance.com for details.

http://www.balance.com is incorrect site - it leads to a balance bar advertising site!

Correct site for Jean Couch’s information is:

I haven’t searched the whole site yet, but it appears to have lots of great information! Thank you for directing us here Mukunda