
I wondered if I could ask your advice… one of my students has been diagnosed with what the doctors think is lupus - not the strain that comes with a rash on the skin, but which is affecting her internal organs. She is in her late 40s/early 50s and has been doing yoga for quite a while, though she has a stressful desk bound job and her practice is not that strong. She came to class today for the first time since being diagnosed, but found the going very tough. She said that she feels very fatigued most of the time, and suffers a lot from cramps, especially in the abdomen.

Do you have any guidelines on what practices might be beneficial - and any practices which she should avoid (even if her physical condition allowed her to do them)?

Please don’t go to any trouble - but any thoughts which you have would be most welcome.

I am not certain if not sure if that topic is on this website but check this file using the search function. in general i work with it as vata issue like chronic fatigue. lotsof listening to what body and conscious are saying and doin g that not more. listen to inner teacher. no stimulatin g practices that are rajasic, pitta increasing, plenty of classical hatha yoga, shoulderstand gradually longer is optimal. slow pranayama four part breath - in , pause, exhale, pause; mantra should be given to form o f divine that she has confidence in. JFS shoul d be a regular practice. basic practice like viniyoga style, inhale into pose, exhale out of pose no holding asanas. no attempt to increase stamina o rtone, but rather to deepen her ability to let go and relax. i am happy to give consults. namaste