Mantra inquiry

From Susan ? How do I know which mantra is the correct one for advancing in my spiritual practice?

Mantra is perhaps the most powerful practice in yoga discipline. The word mantra signifies ?the sound that transforms thinking?. It also means ?that which protects you from harm?. There are two forms of mantras, jud and chaitanya. Jud mantras are those that stand for objects, they are ?dead? or jud. Repeating these mantras will produce a Relaxation Response, as described by Herbert Benson in his book of that title. They will produce benefits for relieving short-term stress, but will not relieve source of stress. According to Desikachar, the source of our stress is our separateness from the True Self. Since we don?t know who we are, we don?t know what we are supposed to do, our function is lost. Chaitanya mantras are sounds that are what they mean. They are all names of aspects of God/dess. There are very few of them. These sounds return the mind to its source as the Self. Only there can true peace be found. Chaitanya mantras are best given by those teachers who have experienced the Self. Others can give them but they have no authority, so the same mantra lacks its Shakti, the full force of its power. In short, a correct mantra will give you peace, your doubts will vanish, and you will feel protected from all harm.