March '04 questions

March 31, 2004

Our group has a few questions.

  1. As far as learning the anatomy what do we need to know? For example, do we need to know all the names of the hip rotators and the insertion & origin?? Some of the information on I & O say lateral medial condyle of the ?. Do you want us to know what that is or just that the muscles origin is on the tibia and the insertion is under the foot?

  2. Regarding the Yoga Asanas, is it supposed to be done in the order that is in the book? If so, what is the purpose?

  3. In Tree are you trying to get your hips squared? If the rt. leg is the bent leg are the hip abductors on the right leg contracting?

  4. Could a weak/tight gracilis cause inner knee pain?

  5. Regarding Triangle you are teaching in the book an external hip rotation on both hips. Do you teach to rotate the front thigh out and the back thigh in?

  6. With Tree you say that it is the arches that are going to keep you steady. I am a bit probated on both feet and balancing in Tree is extremely difficult for me. Would it be ok if I crunch up my toes to lift my arches? Do you think this would help or do you have another recommendation?

A -

  1. I want you to become familiar with the concepts involved – how do muscles work? I want you to have the general idea of O & I, as that is important in learning what actions the muscles do. Many of them perform multiple motions and that knowledge will help clarify their actions. However, this course will not require specific details such as locating the lateral medial condyle.

  2. They are done in the sequence I have that is optimal for this purpose. There are many other options of sequencing all are valid but are for different goals. My goal is to access all the muscles and range of motion of each joints actions.

  3. Yes. Correct to both.

  4. Yes either way.

  5. The body placement in trikonasana when a student is bending to the right is the right hip in external rotational and the left hip is in internal rotation. From there I encourage toning the external hip rotators on both sides. But the left hip will not move into external rotation. This merely firms the rotators making for more stability in the asana.

  6. Better is to learn to lift the arch and then spread the toes.