Meaning of Gayatri Mantra encompasses all religions

you can find the meaning of Gayatri Mantra at

Also, The Meaning of Gayatri Mantra Encompasses the Teachings of All Religions

If you want to read books on Gayatri and its symbolism, you can download some of them from:
My spiritual quest begun when I read the book " Super Science of Gayatri" three and a half year ago.

if you want to listen to Gayatri Mantra, you can go to, the website has an audio of Gayatri Mantra in the background.

Hope this is useful…



Here are two other versions:
Gayatri Mantra Listen: Watch and listen to the gayatri mantra

Gayatri Mantra mp3 Anuradha Paudwal

Thanks Vipul. My mom always explained the meaning of Gayatri mantra in the simplest terms: “Lead my mind in the right direction”. Chanting this mantra is certainly helpful to all because no matter what religion we decide to follow, we have to fight our own inner battles.

My parents have been involved in AWGP for over a decade and Pandit Sri Ram Sharma Acharya has written literally hundreds of spectacular books. Thanks for your post

I guess the top link is an old one, as in 2005 which no longer works.