Mediation radio stations on the internet

Another good one is Spirit Radio, which is basically a [U]mind, body, spirit [/U]radio station which you can listen to online.

Scroll down on the link below, here you will find a list of all host archives, which I do as it allows me to listen to only the talks/ speakers I’m interested in.

Enjoy :smiley:

[QUOTE=Makena;3842]I have tried to find a medition radio staiton but can’t find one and I just gave up. Does anybody know of one or two?[/QUOTE]

they have TONNS of live stream music, absolutely free.
-new age, world in the sky fm channels could be good for meditation,


you have asked so many questions and all of them are related to external factors (music, channel, posture , time etc) about meditation. Nothing wrong about it but believe me all these things are of no use in meditation.
Dont take help of external thing for meditation because meditation is something to do with your surrender in the environment you are already in. Just be aware of everything you are doing and everything that is happening around you and nothing else is required.
Otherwise whatever you will be doing, it will appear to you like a meditation but it won’t be a meditation.
Meditation is a technique for sure but it does not need any tool to achieve. Spend some more time in understanding of what meditation is and it will help you before you go into it. Tools or device cannot help you in meditation.
Meditation happens when mind moves out of picture. Mind at peace or silence is not meditation but it is relaxation.

I've found some great meditation radio stations online that really help with relaxation. One option to consider is Sirius XM, which offers a variety of channels for meditation and mindfulness. Their Sirius XM radio customer support is excellent if you need help finding the right channels or setting up your account. It's a convenient way to access calming music and guided meditations. Has anyone else tried these or have other recommendations?

Thanks for your post, really it will be useful to us. I will check it later and share my ideas. First time, I hear about the radio station for meditation.