I had an amazing experience when I was meditating and I am interested to know if you feel/have felt the same while meditating. How many has had this sensation?
Normally when I start the meditation I imagine I have an inner ocean… and I try to synchronize my breathing with the rythm of the waves(that means forcing a difference in the breathing. I think it helps me beeing aware of it). When I start to get into the rythm I let questions pop up in my mind I answer them and put them away untill there is no more questions.
I have tried something like this before but never so extreeme. I felt awareness of my body but only as something distant and I couldnt focus on one bodypart. It was like my body was just an ocean in the background. The same goes for my sourroundings, someone playing music, cars, even a flie buzzing. I was aware that they where there but I could close them out. I sad there fore a while and all this time I felt a deep inner peace. It was like between beeing asleep and awake but with the mind completely clear.
It was a big experience for me and I hope others experience this too… What techniques(if you can call it that) do you use?
Please tell me of your experiences. Have you tried something similar?
btw. I dont do drugs