Some of the things, mostly about chakras, are ill-understood and ill-advised. Chakras are considered by many through their physical lenses and imagined as circles and cycles turning around by themselves. In reality what is authoritatively described and experienced by the practitioners is a chakra formation of several energy paths intersecting, more like the junctions where several highways cross each other uniterrupted giving access from any one to any other.The sheer confluence of overlapping energy flows bestows versatility upon that, though chakra is not an organ or any object.
Each functional part of the body’s trillions of cell formations, like chakras, are designed to sustain on certain quality of energy. When we start concentrating on Ajna chakra we supply mind’s energy that is much less pure than prana for which chakras are designed. It is like flying a modern aircraft on kerosene. It doesn’t work. We may sympathise with one who may try to use the car as a spaceship; but trying to exercise chakras is easily considered as anybody’s privilege.
The seers were no fools to recommend a step-by-step progress, where meditation on chakras is a part of the final grooming of a yoga master, who has successfully graduated from a seeker to a mahayogi, a journey of a long long time. There are exceptions, but the one who is, knows it in many other ways.
Before making chakras a target, it is essential to make them one’s reality as vivid as the external body organs are. That will need ability to stay in the inner domain and transfer sensing from external organs to their subtle counterparts. This can be achieved in the first place through awareness of the breath and subtle air. Mind should then be presented with images that are increasingly indistinct and subtle. That should be helped by pranayama to supply prana and asana to untangle the blockages. That is the proper way.