Meditation Power

How can you define the Mediation Power?

Meditation Power may be a misnomer in some senses.

If power is taken as physical, meditation happens on a subtle plane.

Meditation is a process which results in a state of dhyana. A process cannot be power. It is an enabler of a mind-state of dhyana, that results in higher or more subtle awareness.

Meditation is preceded by concentration on any object. Concentration requires efforts that when sustained becomes meditation. In sustenance, one eliminates the causes of disturbance and thus makes it effortless. When concentration and meditation are done within (not on any external objects) they become dharana and dhyana.

But all this is such a long journey, that when one is able to do meditation/ dhyana for a fairly long period, one is a different individual, with completely different ideas including “power”. So, whatever abilities like keen insight, subtle sensitivity, effective speech, magnetism in personality etc fall in the lap of the seeker are either ignored or used in advancing on the spiritual path.

It is important for a seeker to know what to seek.