We are all born meditators, except we make a heap of adult responses of critical analysis, scrutiny, judgement, emotions, likes & dislikes and you name it. Why do you want to add another “technique” to the list? Not only as a technique it will remain outside of your own self, but if you see, your mind has already invited more debris when you want the technique customize for you - “not religious”, available as “guided video”, to deliver results without much for you to do.
You need to first start relating with your own inner self by watching your thoughts. In the process you will discover the obstacles to meditation. The discovery itself will kill half the obstacles. Them, without much ado, pick up any meditation and get going. Once in the process, you will fgure it out whch method suits you.
One of the curses of modern life is “self-diagnosis” and “self-medication”. Self-help through learning with videos does not bring any commitment, generates no feedback and leaves no room for mid-course correction. Meditation is no game or an exercise; it is a process leading to a delicate inner state. The skill needs to be patiently cultivated, the process needs to be executed with finnesse and the goal is not to be aware of either.