One of my teachers said that mirrors stealing your energy. Well, it makes scientific sense, since we use energy to receive and process visual information.
I noted few less esoteric reasons for practicing in the mirror free environment.
- Some student tend to compare their “physical” performance to other student. It is easy to do looking in the mirror in front, since you do not have to turn your head to see people around and behind you.
- Yoga practice is about bring your vision inside, and it is harder to do when you have an option to look in the mirror. For the same reason some people (i do too) practice asanas with eyes closed and in the silence.
- Without mirrors in the yoga room, we feel more unity. Most of the times it is better to mirror your teacher (if he/she is good:) than see your sweaty red face struggling in Utkasana (chair pose).
- Another reason for not-to-look in the mirror is that your body must feel the asana. It might look poor sometimes, but it make you feel sooo good. As well as some asanas might look very nice and perfectly aligned (sexy and glamorous :)) but do not benefit to your health and inner peace.
- Still thinking what else can I add. You are welcome to propose something:))
Some might say, “well, but how can I see what I’m doing if I do not have mirror in front?” or something like, “well, but how can I check how my new Yoga pants suites me?”…
Nevermind, mirrors are not that Evil…especially if you have nice and pleasant music pouring from the headphones during your practice…