MISA and Bivolaru-watch out this yoga school!

Be very careful if you intent to follow the courses of any of these yoga school international franchises. Read more about at: Forbidden Knowledge :: MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru - English Area

I am unsure that he/she gets what I have tried to explain to them.
I don’t have an idea of how to communicate this point more clearly, so I guess I’ll just leave it at that.

Ok, Nichole.Check this out then Forbidden Knowledge :: MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru - English Area

[quote=Nichole]You have obviously missed the point of my message entirely. Please let me be more clear. You linked to another forum which is not allowed here. This is not about the content of the other forum. I have no personal opinions on your message, though the title of your post was inappropriate for our standards and it was absolutely defamatory.

Our site is not intended as a place to solely advertise other websites. It is a community forum and if you want to share here, then please do. You are very welcome to, as long as it stays with the rules and terms that I sent to you earlier. If not, we will void your membership. This is not a personal matter, nor are we making a statement against your feelings on Misa. I do not know this institution personally, so I unable to have an opinion about it.

If you would like to speak with our members about Misa, then create a post that invites members to send you a private message or to email you to discuss it privately. You can speak freely then and you can direct them to the link then. Do NOT put your email in the post because it will be deleted–just be sure that you have selected that people can email in your profile. Do NOT defame Misa in your post. Do NOT warn our members of Misa in your post. Do NOT use negative speech of any kind in your post about Misa.

Schools and teachers that have taken advantage of their students create enormous pain in their lives; I totally understand that, but this is the best that can be done to accommodate your message here. I hope that you appreciate it.

Hi Nichole!
It is a shame you deleted my message… I think it is good to bring in people attention , the facts about this school. i didn’t say anything defamatory. i just gave a link to a website where ex-Misa followers share their experiences.
Again, a shame…[/quote][/quote]