Morning Stiffness

I have a question concerning morning stiffness. I’m a 32-year old woman who appears to be quite flexible yet when I wake up in the morning I can hardly flex my neck and spine. Even just looking down at my feet is quite painful and I can feel the pull move all the way down my back. The worst part of the stiffness is mid back around T12 I think. I like to warm-up my body before leaving the house as I have a very physical job (I’m a bike courier). My erector spinae muscles have always been overly tight and I know I overuse my QL when cycling so maybe the morning stiffness is related. The stiffness goes away in 30 minutes to an hour and a half.

I remember reading in Vanda Scarvelli’s book that we are tallest in the morning i.e. the spinal discs hold the most fluid. And I’ve heard and read from yoga teachers that yoga is best done in the morning. Is there a physical reason for this? Or is it purely a spiritual reason?

On the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies web site I read that stretching, especially bending over, is very dangerous in the morning (300 percent more stress on discs, 80 per cent more stress on ligaments). The author’s reasoning is that 54 percent loss of disc height occurs in first 30 minutes afrter rising (which seems the opposite of what Scarvelli wrote)!

Sitting, resting, or sleeping leads to “joint laxity” which means the usual self-protection of joint stiffness is compromised. This leaves the back very vulnerable. Yet my problem is the opposite - I experience extreme stiffness after sleeping, and some stiffness after being in one position for a while - almost as if I need to keep moving in order to keep the conective tissue soft. When I get up I first attempt to do some cat stretches although the flexion part is painful. I do gentle movements including some of your joint freeing series as well as Bartenieff Fundamentals before I even attempt to stretch the erector spinae muscles. Sometimes I have to wait an hour before I can bend! I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or thoughts that you might have - I’m worried because the stiffness started as mild a few years ago and is progressively getting worse. Getting out of bed without bending can be a challenge. Thank you so much.

There are several points you raise about this topic of AM stiffness. Reason yoga is most recommended then is that most people find that the effort put at that time will last the longest and tend to promote most flexibility throughout the day. Ayurvedically speaking from 6-10 AM and PM is the optimal time to exercise as this is when the kapha element (earth and water) is naturally increased. At this time body will tend towards stiffness yet exercise will promote transformation of that stiffness into more fluidity. Yoga for meditation is recommended before this hour from 2-6 AM is optimal time as this is time for vata (prana) to increase making mental training and connections to Spirit the easiest.

As far as I know the disc height is most upon arising, how quickly it changes I have no idea. I suspect the journal is perhaps correct as they must have done som e studies to prove such data. My question would be how long is this loss sustained and are we talking about someone who has not hydrated themselves upon arising. I suspect loss of fluids upon arising may be partially to account for this large change. I would want to know how the height has then changed throughout the day. The problem with such questions is that research always leads to wanting to ask more questions and control more possible flaws in the questioning.

You say you have been doing part of the Joint Freeing Series and other exercises. My recommendation to you would be to give yourself 3 weeks of regular practice to do only the entire JFS exactly as it is shown in my book complete with breathing and awareness of what is being toned and see what is the result. Doing part of the series will not produce the results of freedom from stiffness. Prior to doing it take a minimum of a half-quart (full is preferred) of water. Without knowing your body type and constitution I suspect you are having hydration problems causing stiffness. If you willl do this I imagine you will feel much better.

Please stay in touch and let me know how you are faring. This is not right for someone of your youth. Let us change your situation ASAP.