MS client with multiple symptoms

D is approximately 67 years old. Multiple Sclerosis. We started as yoga for helping with symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, and included intercostal breathing for Asthma. She has a bit of kyphosis and right shoulder is higher than left. She is not a private client, so have not done any testing on her. Once and awhile, she’d have a coughing fit, but generally she responded excellently to the breathing techniques, meditation and adapted movements. MS symptoms in control. She disappeared from class about 1.5 months ago. Finally tracked her down.

She had two months of serious asthma attacks, coughing severely. Then two weeks with difficulty breathing. Pain began in her ankle - hot, pulsing, throbbing, and itchy – until the whole right leg swelled up, then the left as well. (MS affects mostly her right side FYI). She now, for first time, is experiencing bad headaches. Finally, she also has emphysema (for which nothing is being done medically). Asthma doctor has her on 4 medications. She also has a heart arrhythmia (sp?) and takes medication for that. She takes a muscle relaxant for the MS symptoms, and now Vicodin for pain. Neurologist says this latest attack has nothing to do with the MS.

I understand without seeing the person it is difficult to prescribe much, but is there anything you can offer to guide this woman by? Big scrunchy hug, T

First of all I don?t like to make recommendations for someone who is not seeking help from you. As she has not sought individual sessions, this makes it inappropriate to give other than what would be standard in the class.

You had to track her down sounds like she is not motivated but you are. Until that changes I would not seek to give her more. In a class just give what is general help for immune system that is enough. Since you have been developing a specialty in MS, I would encourage you to only give the basics of that work for her in a class. I find it is best to hold yourself back yet reveal something of your skill and ability. If she is truly interested in working with you it needs to be at her initiative not yours. I find to do otherwise with unmotivated students will waste your energy and resources.
