Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Another client, almost 60ish, has MS, unstable walking, stiffness, balance issues, is a regular student in my MS yoga class, and does water exercise, shaking memory retention, lost her husband of 25 years ago about 2 years ago. In our first private session, she has stated she likes my integration of mental/spiritual/physical modes and wants to work toward mentally/spiritually to better focus on the present. She wants to start meeting men again, but is quite plagued with a severe grief. (She often cries in class with me).

My plan with her is to first use some NLP/Time Line Therapy to work on the negative emotions of anger, sadness, pain, guilt, fear, and grief. Then take her toward guided visualizations to scan for tensions, emotions, mental patterns which may create blockage. Bring this stuff to the surface and work with the unconscious to consciously release the negative emotions. Next use basic pranayama, include the heart pranayama. Work with the hands on the ribcage for a more pitta type breathing for MS. Move toward a gratitude meditation. Ask her to start a journal. Finally the Gayatri Mantra to help her direct more energy inward and out. Am I anywhere near being on the right track??? Do you have changes, offerings, advice, etc???

I would not recommend pitta breathing for MS will tend to aggravate condition. it is a vata imbalance what is needed is ujjaye breath, yoga Nidra, JFS, restorative poses, etc. One client here has gotten a lot of mileage out of my yoga approach supplemented with bee venom therapy, having bees deliberately sting points of pain and acupuncture points. I can connect you to her if you wish.

Gayatri and other mantras can only be effective if you have done them consistently for over a year and also authorized by teacher to give them. If that is your background and practice then most definitely proceed. Emotions need support, validation and affirmation of her innate goodness all you can do to support that will be helpful. Do you do partner yoga in this group?. That can be helpful too with a sensitive partner.