Muscle imbalances

I have just read your book Structural Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the Individual and have found it to be one of the best instructional yoga books I’ve read. There is so much information that I find myself re-reading many chapters to try and absorb it all I have not kept a faithful practice for more than 2 months at a time and constantly find myself wondering why. When I discontinue my practice I have recurring hip pain, neck pain from an injury, and generally feel awkward and clumsy. I live in an area, Pine, CO, where there isn’t a lot of choice for a yoga instructor and Denver is too far for me to go for a class as I am without a vehicle most of the time. I am quite happy, for the time being, learning by myself.

My question is this. I have determined my muscle imbalances and areas that need stretching/strengthening, but am confused on my specific practice. Should I only do the poses to strengthen the weak muscles and stretch the opposing ones as outlined in your book until they are more resolved, or can I also do the 24 postures in the Structural Yoga sequence? I understand that without resolution of imbalances I will not be gaining full benefit of some asanas.

Sarah, in this approach to resolving your imbalances the first step is to strengthen all those muscles that the evaluation uncovered to be weak. Do nothing more than this, and give it 3-4 weeks of persistence. While you also state feeling awkward and clumsy, give this a subjective rating too before you begin in earnest. Then do another evaluation of your discomfort, body ease, and changes in your posture. I suspect that there will be a marked improvement in your grace and a lessening of your pain. Once you have done a re-evaluation contact me and let me know how you are doing. Then I would be happy to make suggestions as to what postures to practice. I can work with you from a distance via phone or email and be your teacher should you want more. I do not recommend anyone do the entire series until their weak areas are strong and they are free of pain. Until this time all the postures need modification and some may well be contra-indicated.