Muscle Pull (Back)

I pulled a muscle in my back, which got in the way of everything for a while - I am trying to figure out how to resume my exercises safely. It might have been my left rhomboid muscle – just guessing. (For diagnosis: one painful movement was lowering the lower third of a cobra – it hurt on the spine side of my shoulder blade. But for a while everything irritated it even sitting up straight). I seem to be doing most exercises again – not cobra yet – and not very strenuously – but often there is an ache for a day or so – not as bad as when the strain was more intense. Am I treating this right, or any suggestions? Thanks

I believe your analysis is correct as when strained this muscle will tend to create lingering aches. I suggest resting and doing mild stretches using knee to chest pose with arms wrapped around legs in a variation that gives you a moderate stretch. Could also try squat or even a sloppy plow to see if that gives you relief. I would go slowly and try to hold stretch for up to 5 minutes while you do focused pranayama aiming to lengthen exhales and release tensions. Also try bath therapy salts (that is trade name) green mineral salts soaking in hot bath for minimum of 20 minutes. It works wonders. Blessings.