My journey into dynamic/ashtanga yoga

I have been doing yoga for about 3 years now frequenting regular hatha yoga classes but very recently I thought that I could get more from the classes and started studying yoga on my own.

I noticed that are many yoga styles and I started practicing Iyengar Yoga which is very good for learning the alignments. The problem I found with Iyengar (and its disciples) Yoga is that its programs are always changing and I found myself always referring to a cheat sheet which is very distressing. I concluded that this type of classes are good when leaded by a teacher, not on my own.

Then I come across the book “Dynamic Yoga by Kia Meaux” which is a fusion between Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga. This book has only 3 programs (30, 60 and 90 minutes). Even thought this type of yoga is very demanding I really enjoy it. Now I am practicing the dynamic yoga programs from this book and learning more about ashtanga yoga. Actually the programs of dynamic yoga are a good entry point in ashtanga yoga.

Alongside the benefits of regular hatha yoga with dynamic/ashtanga yoga it is also possible to control my cholesterol levels.