Dear souls,
please accept my humble obeisancaces…
Like everyone else, i was borne into the bondage; the prisoner of my mind, i slave of my desires, oblivious to my actual identity.
I was lost in the labyrinth of logic and material knowledge, as I struggled to break through the barrier of my subtle ego.
i tried numerous ways out…Aṣṭāṅga, Sāṁkhya, dhyā, gyān, kuṇḍalinī…i mean everything…i even got to the Bhakti marg being practiced currently since last 30 years…Eventually, I decided to opt for liberation through the Yog Vāśiṣth, but then by the causeless & boundless Grace of Jagadguru Śrī Kṛpālu jī Mahārāj, I realized the Supremacy and Authenticity of Bhakti Yog.
Due to His Divine Knowledge and Insight, i found the way at each of the crossroads that intercepted my spiritual odyssey.
And thus, by the Grace of Jagadguru ŚRĪKṚPĀLUJĪ MAHĀRĀJ, i was waken up from my material slumber as HE initiated me to walk the path of Perfection, the path of the Bhakti Yog.
i still am a neo.
looking forward to sharing the Light…