My Obeisances to all

Dear souls,

please accept my humble obeisancaces…

Like everyone else, i was borne into the bondage; the prisoner of my mind, i slave of my desires, oblivious to my actual identity.

I was lost in the labyrinth of logic and material knowledge, as I struggled to break through the barrier of my subtle ego.

i tried numerous ways out…Aṣṭāṅga, Sāṁkhya, dhyā, gyān, kuṇḍalinī…i mean everything…i even got to the Bhakti marg being practiced currently since last 30 years…Eventually, I decided to opt for liberation through the Yog Vāśiṣth, but then by the causeless & boundless Grace of Jagadguru Śrī Kṛpālu jī Mahārāj, I realized the Supremacy and Authenticity of Bhakti Yog.

Due to His Divine Knowledge and Insight, i found the way at each of the crossroads that intercepted my spiritual odyssey.

And thus, by the Grace of Jagadguru ŚRĪKṚPĀLUJĪ MAHĀRĀJ, i was waken up from my material slumber as HE initiated me to walk the path of Perfection, the path of the Bhakti Yog.

i still am a neo.

looking forward to sharing the Light…


Namaste and welcome to the Forum. :slight_smile:

Namaskar Praṇāms and welcome to the forum! You are in excellent company, as we are all neos here–in fact, the more I learn, the more I begin to grasp how much there is still to learn and discover. It is a good motivation to be a good student and to study well! :slight_smile:



yes it is a fact…the more one learns the more it begins to understand that how much ignorant it still is…

but my case was different…the aforesaid path connotes to the Gyān-Yog Sādhanā…

It is primarily the subject of vigyān maya koṣa…

Bhakti Yog is different, it directly addresses our real being, Ātmā, that is situated beyond the Ānanda maya koṣa…

The subject for which is unconditional Divine Love…

And the Divine Love between the individual soul (jīvātmā) and Cosmic Soul or the Supersoul (Paramātmā) is by far more wholesome and infinite than the knowledge faculty.

thank you for a warm welcome…

hoping to learn from souls like yours…

your servant

Sadāśiv Dās…

thank you for your kind gesture…

your servant,
Sadāśiv Dās