My first Yoga class was back in 1973, it was Sivananada style and covered meditation as well. Eventually I just did my own casual practice, like headstand and lotus, side crow, scorpion, head to knees etc. By 1979 I got into Taijiquan and still practice including sword and saber forms. I was always interested and did a VHS tape for awhile.
More recently did regular Yoga in 2015 going 4 - 5 days a week, the studio had an outdoor tented deck, each class was a different teacher.
This year 2017 I started Hot Yoga and did 40 days for $40 (CDN) and this year 2018 99 days for $99 deal, I go 5 days a week. After it ran out took a break for 7 weeks, partly due to an slight injury and now back for 99 days for $139 (with tax $!57)