My Yoga Practice

My first Yoga class was back in 1973, it was Sivananada style and covered meditation as well. Eventually I just did my own casual practice, like headstand and lotus, side crow, scorpion, head to knees etc. By 1979 I got into Taijiquan and still practice including sword and saber forms. I was always interested and did a VHS tape for awhile.

More recently did regular Yoga in 2015 going 4 - 5 days a week, the studio had an outdoor tented deck, each class was a different teacher.

This year 2017 I started Hot Yoga and did 40 days for $40 (CDN) and this year 2018 99 days for $99 deal, I go 5 days a week. After it ran out took a break for 7 weeks, partly due to an slight injury and now back for 99 days for $139 (with tax $!57)

In Hot Yoga I sweat profusely, which is odd because I don't normally sweat a lot. I'm working on my planks, my arms will start to shake after a short while, so get some home practice as well. Downward dog is hard on the old shoulders after sometime especially, I've started some Hindu push-up practice to strengthen the shoulders and arms.

Working on my balance, tree and other such poses isn't so steady. No problem with peacock or lotus and peacock but crow needs much practice.

Talasana is good for balance. I restarted yoga aged 60 after a 35 year break. it took about a month before I achieved stillness in Talasana

Thanks Suati, we do Talasana (Palm Tree Pose) often in our Hot Yoga class, often lifting one leg as we bend sideways. It seems some days I can hold one leg poses very well

1973?! You must be as old as me (63). I have a hard time with consistency. I let too many things replace my daily, sometimes weekly practice. I want to be more consistent but seem to lack the will.

Rubedo, I think it's a matter of discipline. You don't mention if you train at home or at a studio, commit to a studio where you can go daily or at least 5 days a week.

I'm 65 and retired so have all day. When I started Taiji over 39 years ago, I had to practice everyday to memorize the form sequence and this got me disciplined. Some do Taiji and don't practice daily will only follow along during a class.

Definitely discipline. I am more likely to do it on my own in my own house when I have time, than in a class. I at least stretch me
Eggs every day. It helps with restless leg syndrome.

You know you always have the time, committing to a good session is hard on your own maybe unless you use video. I made time by getting up very early in the morning.

Benefits of yoga practice

Yoga helps you to relax and de-stress.

Yoga is a great way to keep fit and stay healthy. Yoga can help you to lose weight, feel better about yourself and get rid of stress.

Yoga helps you to sleep better at night. Yogasanas are designed to aid the body in its natural healing process. The breathing techniques used in yoga can help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Yoga exercises can reduce high blood pressure, improve your digestion and strengthen your heart muscles. Yoga also improves flexibility, flexibility, balance and coordination as well as strength, endurance and flexibility of the muscles

its cool for reducing stress and improve the strength

Hey, you are talking about More recently did regular Yoga in 2015 going 4 - 5 days a week, the studio had an outdoor tented deck, each class was a different teacher. for this you have to search on google.


Hey, you are talking about More recently did regular Yoga in 2015 going 4 - 5 days a week, the studio had an outdoor tented deck, each class was a different teacher. for this you have to search on google.
Dr Jambu Jain

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